Alertpay Money

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Active Member
Today when i logged into my AP All the amount in my AP has been transferred

to and he also changed my transaction id i don't how

he managed to get the transaction id

today i logged into my AP and changed all the details including my

transaction id

so please tell me how can i get my money back

the transaction took place on 03-Nov-11


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try to contact AlertPay or call them (if you cant do this) alertpay is here with their official thread, so contact em i'm sure they will help you out

thanks :)
I have faced the same problem. Call their Customer Care number. You can call from GMail for free as it is in USA. They will ask your security question and some information to confirm your identity. And if they are satisfied you will get your all money back by 5 days Max ( I got my money in 3 days). Dont worry. Call asap. Thanks.
@ all thanks for your support can you guys tell me a brief procedure how to do it would be help full for me to get the money back soon
1. Go to your gmail account.
2. Call this number: 1-514-748-5774 (Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST)
3. Press the required key as you listen.
4. Talk to the operator and tell them your problem.
5. Prove your identity as they ask you (They will ask your answers of your security questions/ date of birth etc.)
6. Follow their instruction.
too bad luck for me the calling option in gmail is not available in india :facepalm:



now i got my money back after 3days from alertpay thanks to all the members who helped me in retrieving my money :)
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