akafile.com - PPD 20$/1000 & PPS 80% at the same time & 15% referrals - minimum 5$

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@ sasuke24 : looks you are spamming and trying to cheat our program, stop what are you doing and give me your username

@ nihbez : the problem not from our side my friend !

@ hamsik17 : sure , upgraded, since your performance is good ;)

@ Chrono : currently it is 0.25 in 24 hours
think you might have missed my post can i get a free premium please i have met the criteria :)
username bingbong123
Last edited:
@bingbong123 : sorry my friend I just read that , your account has been upgraded

@ skyminsky : sure your account qualified for premium, Upgraded
Another payout requested : $12.10 : Pending, Hope It'll Be Processed Soon :)

This Host is at the moment totally useless for Multipart-Uploaders.

And it seems they won't change this, that Files after Downloading showing the correct Filename and not only xyzabc.rar.

Hello wantos please fix this big issue, all my users are complaining because when they go a download a files i have compressed in parts, they cannot decompress the files because appears only numbers and letters on the files, and they cannot decompress the files because doesn't appears like part.1 part.2 part.3, please fix it.

This Host is at the moment totally useless for Multipart-Uploaders.

And it seems they won't change this, that Files after Downloading showing the correct Filename and not only xyzabc.rar.


Hey nikita i put this same issue yesterday if you don't saw it, and yes the file after downloading are showing the correct name of the file.
But not if you download it with JD. I tested it after some PM from downloaders and this i got after download.


And thats ofcourse not the correct Filename.

Btw. after seeing their very cheap Premium-prices and the answer from wantos to sasuke24 (or so) i don't think they will stay for a long time, more for a short and earn as many as they can (which Uploader doesn't download his own file from time to time to see if they counting correct and how the Freeuserspeed is, and wantos directly talking about ban).

Which Host can pay PPD + 80% PPS, except Uploaded? None.

No with JD 1 appears the same issue, but with JD 2 works correctly, and yes appears only numbers and letters on the files and people cannot decompress the files, i don't think this guy stay for a short time, but he must deactivate the paid of PPD + PPS, and put PPD AND PPS for separately.
Hmm, the best example is Vidpe, they gave also everybody Free-Premium and we know how it lasts.

Then that they after only 1 day nothing counted for more than 8 hours, no sorry, no statement.

But don't understand me wrong, it would be nice if they stay for along time and solve the Multiparts-Issue, but i don't believe it.

Thats my opinion.
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