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Active Member
On this interview you will see what he's doing to kill filelockers.

2 questions extracted from this interview:

Has piracy impacted you personally?

Piracy has impacted me considerably. In fact, piracy is one of the reasons I got out of running pay sites in 2004-5.

Oh, I didn't know that. What is your current business?

I am an affiliate in one way. I also develop software for people, putting projects together. I do some mentoring. There are a few people I am mentoring at any point in time about how to become an adult affiliate, though I do some mainstream, as well. There's a whole range of things I do. I run, for instance. I also created and maintain, which is the most popular Tarot software for the Mac. I also write a free script which lets you build an affiliate website with one click, available at

I'm like a conductor in an orchestra in my business.

I don't know if you know this, but I also suffer an MS-like illness. I call it MS on the boards, but it's not really MS, but a version called Relapsing Remitting, which means that 90 percent of the time I'm fine but 10 percent of the time I can't walk or do anything for myself. It just comes on when I have no movement, and it happens randomly. I'm actually going through an episode at the moment; I went through the last one in March; before that, it was a year ago.
Why exactly we are giving banned member so much exposure here, remind me?

Quote from GFY:

Problem now is that half of the adult webmaster population has turned into illegal activities, so you will see less support for what you are doing, because many of the guys that were here many years ago, are now working on those sites or FOR those sites or benefiting in some way from them, and the rest just leave adult...

So, shit happens from their own rows.
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I wait for his new video...

this guy, robert king, listen to me:
I really don't like you boy.
I'll kill your party.
you're using sabotage to destroy honest websites.
I just contact the interpol.
Some sites do this ... you do not understand the guy? he wants to stop sharing.
this is a war for him, it is money,
and he is gaining territory step by step, like a spreading cancer metastasis.
I have to correct you there, most lockers do this..

And i understand him, its the most effective way to stop file lockers. Go for the money.
All other ways doesn't work very well, as its a slow process, this way it has instant effect.
It might be a question about methods and agendas, but he has his full right to do this.

Back in the days, sharing was fun and it didn't involve money like it do now.
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