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Active Member
Adsense revenue sharing with referral system

Many people think that you must have a website or a blog of your own, when it comes to making money online, but this isn’t true! Even without owning a website You can make money online. Having your own websites enables you to have full control over the process, and probably gives you more options, revenue sharing sites are a great alternative for earning money online.
Our revenue sharing system allows you to earn a percentage of the revenue earned from ads displayed next to the published content you provided. Basically you get paid for writing unique, great and important content!
The best part of using our revenue sharing sites is the fact that all you have to do is write content and publish! You don’t have to deal with any technical issues or to care about any of the headaches and hassles of owning and maintaining a site.

To get started, all you need to have is:
  • An account in our websites with writing privileges.
  • Working adsense account.
  • Good writing skill.
  • Imagination and creativity.
  • Good knowledge with social networking website like Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Youtube and others …
What do we offer in our revenue sharing system:

We offer our affiliates one of the most attractive affiliate programs online!
  • A 50% starting baseline of ads impression generated by your articles.
  • Up to 90% commission for high monthly visitors we get from your articles.
  • Up to 10% of ads impression generated by article written by members registered trough your referral link.
Each and every time your direct referrals write an article, you will be rewarded with a 10% of ads impression generated by his articles.That mean you can also make money just by referring people to our website. As we do not limit the amount of referrals you can have, the earning potentially is unlimited!
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