- Make Money Sharing Links - $50+ / 1,000 Views!

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@bluejax: Responded to your PM - I've tested on a few different computers and it's working correctly, I would double check your browser/internet settings. If you're still unable to get it to load send me another PM and I can help troubleshoot.
@topdlink: One other publishers had the same problem however after awhile they were able to connect to the site again - is this the case for you or are you still having trouble?
@Wipe44: As we are a US based company, we are required by law to have this form on file for every publisher we pay, regardless of what country they live in. It's nothing more than just stating whether you are to be taxed or not by the US.

@Mr-R-T & @damnyou: We pay on a per action basis, which varies for each offer; it could be something as simple as submitting your email address. When I say views, this is taken into account - while you will not technically be getting paid for every view, if you were to calculate your eCPM (earnings / impressions * 1000), you would see an eCPM of $50, $100, or even more (with some tweaking and know how).
Just wanted to post a quick update,

A lot of our publishers were asking for a guide on how works and how to use it since a lot of users were getting confused on what it is exactly we do (which is perfectly understandable since the only real explanation was a short paragraph on the homepage and forum posts). We have listened to this feedback and have made two new additions to

On the home page (, there is now a link for more information below the main paragraph. This page explains what is all about and how to get started with it, as well as how publishers will benefit immensely when using our service compared to others.

The second page is an FAQ page found within the publisher panel (you must be logged in to view: FAQ). On this page there is also a quick start on guide for both creating individual links, and for using the full page script.

We hope this will help some of you who are sending in referrals, and those who just want to know more about us. If you're curious, I suggest you visit and check it out immediately! Update

We at have decided to hold a mini promotion for all of our publishers and those interested in becoming publishers.

On June 1st, we will be paying out all earnings generated during April AND May, whether you reached the payout limit or not! As long as you sent valid traffic and earned money, you will be paid, no matter what the amount is!

This also means that for all those who are interested in joining but haven't done so because of payment related concerns, now is your time to try us out! You can join right now, earn some money with us, and we'll pay you your earnings generated from now until May 31st on June 1st - this is for ALL of our publishers!

Please note that payments will revert back to the normal NET 30 schedule for all publishers after June 1st payments!

We hope this will help show our publishers that we are a legitimate company, and we are here to do business plain and simple. Please make sure you have all of the required info saved on your account BEFORE June 1st, otherwise you may be ineligible for payment. If you're not a member and don't want to be left out on the June 1st payday, visit and sign up now!
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