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The main problem is that if your not a pro webmaster then some users will start talking shit .
I mean WTF some of us are here to learn and ask help.
As soon as you ask something there are some users who will start calling you names.
Fuck them.
If your a netfag and you need to comment shit then fine by me.
Most of You guys here are really helpful and thats the reason i keep coming back.

Problem is some people forget where they come from. They forget that they were once the low man on the totem poll and how hard they had to work to get there. They become overly posessed by their own self worth that they don't bother to or care to actually co-exist with those of the lesser stature.

And in some cases they are fearful that someone may have talent, thus attempting to shut the door on any possible competition. This goes all the way down the line to the tricks of the trade and being less descriptive with certain things. Who wants to "really" help you when "you" would be taking away from "them".

It's all about those who remember sharing is caring, and put the self gained things aside and realize again, that hey, were all here for the same reason.....

Never forget who you are, where you came from, and by all means never look down from where you belong. But always offer a helping hand.

Anyone who sticks a nose up no matter how big or on any grander scale that they may be on is a hypocrite and they are the ones you shouldn't be associating with in the first place. For they do not care about you, but only themselves.

Done talking now :P
Origin is 100% right.

We were all once those "noobs." Those people that always asked for helped. That spent hours looking for something that might have been easy to find all along. Like Origin said, don't ever forget who you were back then. Being in the scene for a longer time doesn't mean your better than eveyone else, It means you have more experience in it and know how things go. The more experienced people such as the Trusted Webmasters, Moderators, Admins, Old members, etc. should set an example, not brag about how better they are. They should ALWAYS try to help.

We requested a Community for webmasters. Yes, it might get annoying at times when we get tons of people calling themselves webmasters yet show nothing to prove they are, but hey, so be it. Keep your bad comments about those people to yourself. They've got to learn, like we did. We are all here because we want a place to call home, a place where you can ask questions and get answers. We didn't request this website to be a flame fest.

Another point is, this community needs to grow up a bit. We have people who make jokes about random things. People should know when a joke is a joke. They shouldn't get offended so quickly.

Take for example, Ak47.

He can joke all he wants and be "racist." In the end, we all know it's a joke. He's just having some fun.

We all should lighten up a bit. By this, I'm not saying we should all be retarded and random. I'm saying we should have a sense of humor, but be a bit serious at the same time.

This community is great, but we can never be perfect. There's always something we can improve on. ;)
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