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Hello Everyone :wave:

Im sellling website traffic for cheap price.
This traffic is good for alexa ranking

Traffic will be provided in 1 to 2 days
I can't give a reports about the traffic, so please have some tracking source on your site

No review copy the service is really cheap!

5000 for 5$ - PS: You will always get more traffic 2000+! So if you order 5k you will get 6k or 7k if you are lucky and somehow this go viral you will get over 10k+!

Payment - PayPal
Your a new member, and not offering any reviews... Some people here won't trust you.
If you do decide on giving a review out, then I'll be up for receiving it and leaving a review.

I have Google Anaylics so I will be able to monitor traffic, and show your results. Let me know.
Once you have a good review, and have proven that you can actually deliver the traffic, then more people will start trusting you.

My website is the one in my signature.
I will also purchase it from you if you give me a review copy. If you give what you offer , i will definitely buy from you. As i am searching for traffic for my site
For real? 19posts and ask for reviewe? Dude... You are in wrong forum. I will give 1 reviwe copy to 1 legit guy.

Added after 1 41 minutes:

Your a new member, and not offering any reviews... Some people here won't trust you.
If you do decide on giving a review out, then I'll be up for receiving it and leaving a review.

I have Google Anaylics so I will be able to monitor traffic, and show your results. Let me know.
Once you have a good review, and have proven that you can actually deliver the traffic, then more people will start trusting you.

My website is the one in my signature.

Added in the system
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I will post review tomorrow once the logs have had time to update for today's traffic.

---- EDIT -----

OK, so here is my review.

The traffic comes from a Traffic Exchange called HitLeap.

Stats from Extreme Tracker:



My average number of views (NORMALLY WITHOUT THIS REVIEW) is approx 1100 UV a day.


Taking that into account, as you can see on the 31st May, I received 3194 visitors (2000 visitors more than normal), and on the 1st June, I received 2583 (1400 visitors more than normal).

In total approx 3400 visitors. I asked the OP how many visitors he approx sent me.


Apparently 5000 - 5700, well... I only see approx 3400 - 3600. Not the 5000+ as he claims.

Here are pictures of Google Analytics, as further backup of visitors received.

Stats from Google Analytics:



So all in all, the traffic does come... However, for whatever reason it doesn't seem to be as much as the OP claims. So be aware of that.
Also, you'll have to bare in mind as this traffic comes from a "traffic exchange", none of your visitors will be looking at your page (they'll just be running the exchange in the background earning points), so the likely hood of these visitors re-visiting your page for your actual content or actually bookmarking your page is highly unlikely.
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