Selling 12,000 verified Blog comment Backlink for Just $5 [review package available]

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5,000 verified Blog comment Backlink for Just $3.5 [review package available]

Are you Looking for Blog Backlink than you have come to right place
we will provide you verified live backlinks from various blog platform , with blog comment backlinks you can target particular keyword and boost your search engine ranking of that keyword .

5,000 Blog comment backlinks [verified] = $3.5
12,000 Blog comment backlinks [verified] = $5
20,000 Blog comment backlinks [verified] = $10
50,000 Blog comment backlinks [verified] = $20
100,000 Blog comment backlinks [verified] = $40
200,000 Blog comment backlinks [verified] = $70

Big Discount offer
12,000 backlinks for your 3 websites = $10 [12,000 * 3 = 36,000backlinks]
12,000 backlinks for your 10 websites = $30 [12,000 * 10 = 120,000 backlinks]

Advantage of our service :-
we accept Unlimited url,s and keywords for blast
we deliver the work Fast
we have 1 year experience

we accept alertpay , paypal , moneybooker and libertyreserve

Review package :- i will provide review package to reputable users at 50% price Limited to 2 users
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You forget to mention payment you accept Alertpay??
Are you providing report??
I want to take review copy...if possible 12k blog commenting....
PM the Alertpay id....
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yes alertpay is accepted
we provide report when work is done
turn around time = 6hours - 3 days
You forget to mention payment you accept Alertpay??
Are you providing report??
I want to take review copy...if possible 12k blog commenting....
PM the Alertpay id....
I will take a review copy of the 20,000 backlinks at 50%. I will PM you in your morning though its late and I'm going to bed now.
My Review:
I brought the 20,000 link package and recieved a list of 22,139 blog links. Though upon checking the list my url was only on 12,392 of the links so around 8,000 short of what was advertised. Still it was good value for money as it was half the price of most scrapebox services even before the review discount.

@all the people babbling on about the panda update you have no idea what your talking about. It has hardly affected scrapebox blasts if at all.
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