11 dimensional Universe - For Quantum Mechanic fans

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Active Member
Big fan of science here, and seeking for an answer to everything.
My latest discovery is this guy, Thad Roberts, talking about 11 dimensions of the universe, and probably the answer to everything we wanted to know, explained in simple words, without mathematical formulas, understandable to everyone.

Recommending watching this video first, as an intro, to soften your thoughts on this 3 dimensional world:


After watching this video, complete explanation how space/time/gravity works, how we describe them, and where those new dimensions are:


After I get your attention here, visit this site here:

Hi, =]

if you're interested in Quantum Physics and similar stuff, I can highly recommend some videos by the award-winning physicist Nassim Haramein (they're all on youtube). Nassim is a real genius when it comes to his unique Unified Field theory, and his presentations are also quite amusing to watch!
The book "Quantum Psychology" by Robert Anton Wilson is excellent food for thought, as well.

Youtube link: [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zc0ICPoqlM"]Nassim Haramein - Sacred Geometry and Unified Fields[/ame]

On the one hand, some of the things he might be saying sound a little spiritual for some people (at first ;) ), however he points out some funny hypocrisies and inconsistencies within the established "mainstream" field of Physics:

Nowadays, (almost) every time physicists encounter problems with their mathematical models, they quickly invent an additional mathematical "model" that tries to sweep their mistakes under the rug.
(Hint: And at the end of the day, you get something that's so complicated and sheerly impossible to grasp like String Theory etc. etc....)

It's like Einstein has said – "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, [and] as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality."

Oki, check out the video, I'm sure you'll love it :) Have fun,

Cheers :dan:
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