Selling [10$]14.604 Templates and 350 Forums for Themaposter

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[Selling] [13$]14.604 Templates and 350 Forums for Themaposter

UPDATE 7 - 15/16 September 2011

Hello again everyone.
As I believe and I think by now, over the word ... For direct way to let the images of the Pack, again updated without further explanation.

If anyone has any questions or want information about something specific, rather than telling me not commenting on this post, and leaving me a private message through the web to achieve.

The pictures are worth 1000 words.

Click on each image for actual size, since reduced to post them, being of great weight and quality, to appreciate each configuration.

The first thing to make clear that this fully activated and configured each of the forums, so you do not need to put any tag (Code, Hide).

As we know, some forums or websites, should be placed on the download links between a "code". Other forums, however, also require a "hide".
There are also forums that require the links "clickable", ie, between tags "url"


With this configuration, you only have to put in the post your download links between the tag "[links] [/ links]" (without the quotes) and take care of itself Themaposter in every forum and second as appropriate, place the "code", or "hide" or make links "clickable".
This is a breakthrough. We all know it!.

In addition, every forum post that only allows them, with some download servers ...


With this configuration, even if your posts contain links to multiple servers, if any of the forums where you're going to post does not allow one of those FileHosts because Themaposter directly delete your post that link for that particular forum and not to other forums.

So ... Another major advance in our hands.


As you can see in the picture below include more than 14,600 templates configured for posting.
The templates are divided into a total of 349 forums.

Of the 349 forums, this is the breakdown by type / theme:

* 203 Spanish Forum of Warex and Porno.
* 72 British Porn Forums.
* 65 Warez Forums English.
* 8 Warez and porno Forums No English or Spanish, (French, Romanians, Russians, etc ...).


The next image is that I leave for you to see the menu of this configuration Themaposter
The sections for posting to the left, the right wing forums, etc ...


As many users say and ask me to many sections and forums to post there, for example ... For films in Spanish, or Latino. For music, or porn, warez and porn as well as English-speaking ...
Well, here I leave the next image in laque you can see the number of selected forums for each category of post.

Note that the left is selected category, and the right to "self-select" the forums.


Here in the picture below you can see ALL the sections of posting available for all forums.
Clarify that posting sections beginning with the letter "Z" are the sections of posting to the forums and other English-speaking foreign languages. Forums Russians, Poles, etc, in addition to its accepted language, also English, so that there will be no problems regarding bans for using language are not allowed.

Spanish Picture Sections:

Image English, or "Z" Sections:

In the following images that I leave, you can see ALL the forums I've configured.

Image Spanish Forums:

Image English Warez Forums:

Image Porn English Forums:

And last, the los Rusian, French, etc...

ImageNon English Forums:

I have included a multitude of automatic responses for when you ask some forums for an answer, and the Themaposter it for you.
You can see in the picture below.

These answers have been added, in addition to the answers that already includes the Themaposter. (Built-In)



Buy pack price is: 13$
Update pack price is: 4$

Payment Methods:



Greetings to all, I wish you every success and profits as Uploaders.

For any questions please feel free to contact me by private message.

Moreover, by the Pack, a Script gift for any browser, allowing you to remove accents and ñ in your texts.
We know that while these characters Themaposter postea, but if the post is trying to send, you have saved on the basis of posts of the program, in that case if they come out garbled.

I recommend using it.

Added after 7 Hours 12 minutes:

Price was changed as correction.
Sorry. Topic title cant be modified by me! Some Mod, or Admin, can do it for me?
Thanks in advance!
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