0ccul7's Uploading Tutorial and Discussion Thread

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I will be writing more and more articles, but all I need is some volunteers to help me in some things. They will be credited for the work they will be doing
One thing is sure, you will never see real money makers, making tutorials, educating their direct competition, how to take money from their pocket...

Simply, they don't follow the concept, sharing is caring. Sharing influence their earnings, and they would wish, that they are the only ones who upload, so they can take all away.

Or, you will get some kind of tutorial, if you go under their referral link, so they can monetize YOU as well.

Best hidden secret is, have your own website. Few of them. Never hold your eggs in one basket.

Mass posting against few own sites = pennies over dollars.
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How much do you earn with File uploading?

I do not upload and I used to earn a bit, but my downloads were mostly at Rapidshare.

I did not follow the cash system mainly, but thought this tutorial would be useful for some

About making money, I could have easily directed my downloads per day to any other filehost that pays unlike RS, but I am a Rapidshare fan and did not do it for money.

My main filehosts were Megaupload and Rapidshare and then I added Mediafire to it
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