Search results

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    My site is scaling too fast [Help]

    well, its a good thing to say , but my site is scaling super fast .=) now theres a problem , in my country they are now closing all big warez site - some anti piracy organization stuff. i need to be bulletproof , ASAP . what should i do ? is it smart to buy a dedi from PRQ right away ? or i...
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    Car Wars - lolz !

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    W3 cache plugin - breaks my site.

    hi there , after installing and configuring W3 cache tool , my site seems fine when im still logged in , but not as a user, it shows the site in basic html , like only txt and my logo , no background or so.. i have few more erros but that is def NO 1 :facepalm: any 1 familiar ?
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    good word about HostGi

    I orderd a plan of shared hosting , with intention to purchase a vps . even though they had some issues with the servers , and i suffered a bit (problem with cpanel etc..) they took care of the problem ASAP , and replied my tickets in no time ! after we both seperated and they refunded me full...
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    Dealing with large site traffic - help

    my site has grown to a point where it crashes . i was hosted on a vps of 512 ram , and switched to a 1.5gb - 2gb burst one. my site now is super super slow ! what should i do ? as before i moved i got 6k uv a day , and now its down to 1k cuz site aint moving .. accessing wp-admin is super...
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    Help Needed : relocating my site to another hosting

    im currently running a site which gets 5-6k visitors a day , at rush hour it crashes . looking for a reliable, fast , secured details , warez linking allowed vps hosting , which provides full root access . im now running on a 512 ram vps , i think im gonna go for 1-2gb /2-4 burst . my budget...
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    Need to relocate my site.. VPS vs Shared

    im currently running my site on a DC with root ssh access, should i transfer to a shared solution using Cpanel ? i never done that , and would like to know how difficult is it ? the price is very low , but i never done it before, btw , any recommendations ?
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    Post your Google Analystic statistics

    here is mine , after hard works and sleepless nights , and still a long way to go :facepalm: --> :D im proud to say 87% is organic , but at the other hand , would like more referring , thats my step 2 now .. i find it disturbing that i get 60% bounce rate , i engage only 2.5 pages per...
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    using WP-O-MATIC to auto copy blog.

    its a cool tool, as it takes the last feed from any site/blog you choose via its feed. the question is , do you know a tool that will scrape the whole site / feed history to take all of its data ? not the only ones to come from now on.. thnx for any help =)
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    Anyone into trance?

    my fav is Goa trance.. outdoor parties especially .. this is music where old is gold .. and the beats are the sh!t. am i alone ? :(
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    how do you like your GA cake stats ?

    so we all know the Google Analytics cake , i now theres a few , but im talking about ; -direct traffic -referring sites -search engines usually you do start with more SE and will need to get the others show more, but whats you ideal cut of it ?
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    i cannot understand people who sell their site ?

    maybe itl sound weird, but you should look at the other side of the coin - people who buy, they fell as if they can do something with it. i know most say/think that they dont have time for the site and its the reason they are selling , but why sell ?? try to get other people to work on your...
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    Strange problem with my rdp..

    anytime i press a letter , it seems like the CTRL is clicked also , when i write "F" it start search, when "L" it locks the user.. tehhost says its from my side, as everything else, what do you think this could be ? thnx for any help :facepalm:
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    Torrent speed problem with RDP

    im currently paying for an RDP (1gb port) and sBorg at the same company. thing is, my upload by zoom is very fast.. download/upload by torrent seems restricted. the hosting says "no way" , but, im seeding a file of 9GB to Tl , which has 300 leechers and ZERO seeders, only me.. still upload is...
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    Need help to optomize my automated uploading

    Im currently using an RDP , downloading from TL (need to figure out the RSS feature) , then , i rename the files to my choice (manually) , and after that, i use z_o_o_m to upload. i need to figure a way to: download automatically (heard it possible with rss) rename automatically upload via...