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  1. B

    Selling 100 Youtube Subscribers @ $5

    Whether you are promoting your business using Youtube or you just need more popularity to your channel, this is the gig you need to purchase. When you order, you will get 100 REAL subscribers and 1000 views to your channel. I promise you, this will be the best $5 dollars you will ever...
  2. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Duck, when is the next payment on Paypal ?
  3. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Duckload, the embed video does not count the downloads . Is it true? (sorry for my bad english)
  4. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Mr Duck, can i get premium (User ID: 229895) . Thanks!
  5. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Mr. Duck can i get premium? My id: 229895 . Thank you!
  6. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Hy Duck, the status points when will it change ? I am 14.77 but 3 weeks ago did not change anything. Sorry for my bad english..
  7. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    It's good to hear Sir Duck can i get premium? my user id :155604
  8. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Hi Duck, can i get premium? (User ID: 155604)
  9. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Thanks answered at to me ;)
  10. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Duck, the next payment to paypal in Monday, or over 20$ ? because ago they have sent over 20$ to paypal, but now there is no payment for my account ( i am 30$). Sorry for bad english !
  11. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    duck, thank for the payment ;)
  12. B - Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

    Resolved and I hope everyone calms down, including myself:) (sorry for bad english)
  13. B - Make Money - Up To $50 per 1000 Downloads!!

    I realised it we the trouble may, not be upload to 1gb a bigger file (sorry the bad english)
  14. B - Make Money - Up To $50 per 1000 Downloads!!

    for me not good the remote upload..