Recent content by CyberPirate

  1. C

    SharpLeech 2.0.0 ALPHA

    Will it support to post onto SMF boards in the? Thanks.
  2. C

    Need some help here!

    But is PPC any good anymore? I see a lot fopeople advertising for products and downloads sites and the like.
  3. C

    Need some help here!

    We're running a warez site now aren't we? ;)
  4. C

    Need some help here!

    Heyoo. So, I'm wondering, what kind of advertisement should I have on my website. I remember Pay-per-click was very popular back in the days, but I don't know what's good anymore. So if anyone could give me a breif explenation here would be nice :) Thank you.
  5. C


    Yeah, I do know to focus on teh big cats. Which is why I added buttons to them and use the dropdown for the other sites? :)
  6. C


    I see, well; I'm using that dropdown form, since I honestly think my site will look like a mess if I use links to everyone. Is this okey? It seems like it is.
  7. C


    Alright, let's say if I ever created a warez site, and I happened to wish to submit my downloads to more DDL sites than Katz. Would I have to contact the webmaster of every DDL site and ask to be whitelisted, or is there an easier way of doing this? Thank you.
  8. C

    How to restore mySQL

  9. C

    Do you use Usenet?

    Yes, I do. I'm daily in touch with Microsoft's C# programmers over Usenet.
  10. C

    Anyone get hacked before?

    I fixed it for you.
  11. C

    WCDDL v2 Mods you would like

    Some JmZ porn section would be good.
  12. C

    Do you use anything to protect your ip?

    Nah, there's no point of doing that.
  13. C

    Looking for someone (VirusDevil)

    VirusDevil, huh. That name looks familiar.
  14. C

    1k posts

    You're my god now, oh how I envy you.
  15. C

    How to Make a Website Successful

    Not bad, so where did you C&P this from?:zaru