MonsterBot - A Fully Automated Torrent & UseNet Auto Upload & Auto Post Script

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MonsterBot - The Automated Torrent/UseNet Auto Upload + Post Bot Script

What is MonsterBot?
MonsterBot is an automated bot script which will download selected releases via RSS feeds from the best torrent trackers or any NewsBin provider (UseNet) and upload to your desired file host with a varied range of customizable options and then finally post them to your WordPress blog, and to popular forums like Warez-BB, ForumW, TehParadox and others!

You can leech form any desirable source (torrent, UseNet/newsbin, FTPs) and upload to 10 file hosts, customize the post layout and finally post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums!
Best of all its completely automated one hundred per cent!

Features of MonsterBot:

    • Download form a RSS feed of some of the best torrent trackers.
    • Download form a RSS feed of a popular NewsBin/UseNet (.nbz) provider.
    • Practically MonsterBot supports both UseNet (NewsBin) and torrents.
    • If a .nfo file exists, it will be extracted, and a .PNG image will be made out of it with your site name on the NFO image.
    • Note that NFO files will be grabbed in all releases, be it Movies, Music, Apps any thing. I have not mentioned themunder each release category.
  • MOVIE (XViD/720p) RELEASE:
    • Extract IBDB (Internet Move Database) URL form the NFO file which comes along with the movie release.
    • Extract the movie poster form IMDB.
    • Extract details of the movie like cast, genre, director, year and all other relevant details which IMDB has to offer for that particular movie.
    • Extract the movie form the .rar file.
    • Take screen shots of the movie.
    • RAR the release with a desired password with user's .txt and .url files in the archive.
    • Put your site URL in the RAR archive.
    • Upload to desired file hosts.
    • Post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums.
    • Download a proper TV Poster for the TV release.
    • Extract the TV Show form the .rar file.
    • Take screen shots of the TV Show.
    • RAR the release with a desired password with user's .txt and .url files in the archive.
    • Put your site URL in the RAR archive.
    • Upload to desired file hosts.
    • Post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums.
    • Extract relevant information from the .mp3 file(s) like album artist, album name, year of production, genre and others.
    • Extract the entire playlist of the downloaded music album.
    • RAR the release with a desired password with user's .txt and .url files in the archive.
    • Put your site URL in the RAR archive.
    • Upload to desired file hosts.
    • Post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums.
    • RAR the release with a desired password with user's .txt and .url files in the archive. (Scene 0DAY Applications do not contain RAR files)
    • Put your site URL in the RAR archive.
    • Upload to desired file hosts.
    • Post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums.
    • Extract the XXX Movie or video clip form the .rar file
    • Take screen shots of the video file.
    • RAR the release with a desired password with user's .txt and .url files in the archive.
    • Put your site URL in the RAR archive.
    • Upload to desired file hosts.
    • Post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums.
    • Unzip all the images of the XXX IMGSET release under one folder.
    • Extract the cover of the XXX IMGSET Release.
    • RAR the release with a desired password with user's .txt and .url files in the archive.
    • Put your site URL in the RAR archive.
    • Upload to desired file hosts.
    • Post to unlimited WordPress blogs and forums.
    • Duckload (Site is dead atm)
    • Posts are saved in .txt files with BBCode in a private FTP server whose details will be provided to the user.
    • .mpsp files are also supported for Extreme Coderz MultiPoser Series.
    • .wp files are saved with HTML code of the post.
    • Unlimited WordPress blogs.
      • Blogs must have post via XMLRPC enabled.
    • Unlimited Forums.
    • Default forums include Warez-BB, TehParadox, ForumW and FreshWap.
    • Supported Forum Boards:
      • PHPBB2
      • PHPBB3
      • vBulletin

How many uploads are generated daily?
It actually depends on the release category, i.e. whether its TV Shows, or Apps, Music, Movie, XXX Clips, XXX Movies and so on. All the torrents or .nbz files released under a particular category are downloaded. =)
Given below is a review of one of my clients who ordered the Music Pack for a week!
My one week music service is over now (just paid another week) and 1484 new releases in week :)

How is MonsterBot different from the other scripts?
MonsterBot is an automated bot script which does all the work - right form downloading to posting it in the various forums without any supervision whatsoever. Hence, it is different form all the scripts in WJunction.

Can I buy the script?
You can buy either of the two:
1) Monthly License - 30$ per month + 10$ one time setup fee
2) Lifetime License - 300$
Source code of the script will never be leaked. You can be rest assured about that fact. If you do not wish to buy the script, then you can go for the MonsterBot Regular Plans!

How do I run the script?
MonsterBot is now fully encoded and is integrated with a IP address locking licensing system, thanks to shubhank008. This means that all clients who wish to purchase the script will get the script in their hands and can run it wherever they want! They will have complete root access to their Virtual Private Server or their Dedicated server.

Using a Virtual Private Server or a Dedicated Server

  • Perform a clean, fresh installation of CentOS 5 32Bit.
  • Email me the IP address and root password.
  • I shall setup MonsterBot within 12 hours.
  • You can then change the root user and password!

Using MonsterBot's Server(s):

  • Currently, I have 3 servers all on a 1Gbit line, USA and NL.
  • Each server serves a particular category.
  • Once you've bought the license, you can select the categories, and I can set MonsterBot up for you in my personal servers.
  • Cost of the server will depend on the category you select, and will be really affordable.

In How may servers can I run MonsterBot?
Unlimited servers. Please note that once MonsterBot is installed in 1 server, it will be locked and the script won't run in any other server. If you wish to change servers, you can easily do so by informing me!

Will there be a setup fee for every server you setup?
Yes. However, the first 2 servers are included in the 10$ setup fee for clients who purchase the Monthly License.
Clients who take the Lifetime License can avail free setup for up to 5 servers.

Will you compensate the days during which the script does not run?
Absolutely yes. Without a word.

What details do I need to provide?

Once i setup the script in your server, you will find a PHP file called config.php, you can edit it according to your needs and overwrite the existing file. Should you need any assistance, you can email me at

Should I trust you with my account details?
I've had over 50 clients who've trusted me with their lifetime accounts. None of them have faced any problem whatsoever. That should be enough for you to decide.

Regular Plans:

This is basically an uploading service of immense value. Take a look at the user reviews and you'll know what I'm talking about. There are 2 types of payment plans. Weekly and monthly. Kindly have a look below to see what suits your needs the best.

  • TV SHOWS (350MB):
    • 30$ monthly

    • 30$ monthly

    • 30$ monthly

    • 15$ monthly

  • XXX PACK: (Clips + Movies + Imgsets)
    • 40$ monthly

  • MEDIA PACK: (TV Shows + Movies + Music + Apps)
    • 40$ monthly

  • 0DAY APPS:
    • 15$ monthly

    • 25$ monthly

  • MOVIES (XViD):
    • 20$ monthly

Why buy the MonsterBot License in a MonsterBot Server?

The reasons are as follows:

  • Buying a license (Monthly/ Lifetime) will enable you to do whatever you want with the script.
  • You can use it for as many RSS feeds you like and you can customize it according to your needs.
  • You would not have to worry about seeding your torrents.
  • Its way more cost effective. Why? Read on.
    • If you own a powerful enough VPS, you can download as many categories you want.
    • For example, suppose you buy a monthly license and a 100GB HDD Virtual Private Server with around 512MB of RAM. You can download and upload all the releases under the following categories:
      • 0DAY Apps
      • Music
      • Movies
      • TV Shows
    • Now if you were to use the MonsterBot Regular Plans, then this would add up to 135$, instead you will be paying say 30$ for the VPS if you buy it form a popular VPS provider. You save 105$.
  • Its way secure as the servers are managed by me and me only.
  • If you face any problem you can contact me and you shall get a reply within 24 hours tops.
Is it cheaper to use MonsterBot's Servers?
Frankly, yes. You need to pay at least 70$ for a 1GBit VPS which can run MonsterBot for Movies, TV (XViD+720p), Music and Apps and XXX.
MonsterBot's servers can handle it for 30$ a month!

Benefits of using MonsterBot's Servers:

  • Cost will depend on the number of categories you chose.
  • The cost is extremely affordable.
  • If the script need maintenance, then you do not lose time on your server. ;)
  • You get 2x faster support for any problem you face. :)
Can I run MonsterBot in my VPS or dedicated server?
Absolutely yes.

MonsterBot Demo:
Given below are some sites which are currently using the MonsterBot service. You can check them out if you like.
Downloads HD

Payment Options:

Both PayPal and AlertPay are accepted.
PayPal ID: Not available.

AlertPay ID: Not available.

Please send your account details and all instructions to Not available. after you order. All necessary communication will be made through that email.

How do I contact you?

  • You can send me a PM.
  • Email me to Not available.
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A little tip ..

You should consider updating, so you can provide different sites where people can get files from.
Hi MrSandvik,
The users can download form X number of RSS feeds. If the user has the RSS feed which provides Brazzers releases, then MonsterBot can download it! :)

Thanks for the tip! Appreciate it! <3

Give me link of some powerful vps to see spec
Hi mate,
I've hosted MonsterBot in and they have never let me down.
I've got amazing speeds in torrent downloads. (77MB/s in SCC TV Packs)
They own their racks in RapidSpeeds.
You can try their NL servers -
Or USA Servers -

If you want more power, then you can go for a semi dedi at RapidSpeeds.
If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)


Lets start this, sent you pm.
Hey buddy,
Replied back. :)

Just paid for a week of service
If everything goes good will buy the bot for lifetime or Monthly

Kundu ty for all the help

Thank you for mentioning us, you will see pretty good speeds from our servers as they are on leaseweb's network, both US and NL. We only use the best hardware available and have management teams(10+ people) in place to provide the best support possible and keeping the servers online 24/7/365! :)
dont forget me ;)
Hello mate,
I have not forgotten you. I shall send you a demo as soon as I setup the accounts of all my clients.


Pls check your PM Box i hope we can now finish what we try sine 1 June ;)
Hello mate,
I hope our new deal will work good for you.


Just paid for a week of service
If everything goes good will buy the bot for lifetime or Monthly

Kundu ty for all the help

Hey DGN,
Thanks for the kind words, I hope to serve you to the best of my ability. Also I have sent you an email, kindly respond to it once you're free.


Buzz me On msn I'll renew My service ;)
Hello mate,
I've sent you a PM.


Getting my stuff setup today. Hope it's as good as people say!!
Hello mate,

Waz-Warez has Gavo's anti auto poster enabled. Hence, MonsterBot can't post there. It can post in the rest of the forums. I've sent you a PM, kindly respond to it when you're free.


Thank you for mentioning us, you will see pretty good speeds from our servers as they are on leaseweb's network, both US and NL. We only use the best hardware available and have management teams(10+ people) in place to provide the best support possible and keeping the servers online 24/7/365! :)
Hey HH,

Thanks for your comment, I shall set up our deal as soon as I have finished setting up MB for my clients.


Kundu is a really helpfull and patient guy!
I will post here again in a few days with results :)
Hello blok,
Thanks for your kind words, appreciate it.


Which are supported hosts file?
Hello mate,
The currently supported file hosts are as follows -
  • FileServe
  • FileSonic
  • HotFile
  • MegaUpload
  • RapidShare
  • BitShare
  • Oron
  • Wupload
  • Duckload


gonna order dis...May I able to use my own imagehost??
Hello mate,
Sorry, I currently use IMGCrave and IMGClub, other image hosts are not supported. However kindly let me know which image host you are referring to and I shall try to code it for you.


can your script leech from sites as well?
if so then pme me ur IM id
Hello chaudhary9,
Sorry, MonsterBot leeches form UseNet and Torrents only.


awaiting set up
Hello mate,
Thank you for your order. I am setting it up as we speak.


To all people -
I have been improving MonsterBot form day one based on your reviews and comments. So please keep them coming and help me improve this service.
Lately I have not been very active in this topic, but now I've dealt with my pending work and now I'm back!
If you have any question or any suggestions, do let me know!

Highest regards,
You should start using more accepted filehost like pimpandhost or imagevenue.
being able to provide imagevenue will be greats because the backlinks you can get with "traffic drive", could be a great addon to your bot :)
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