FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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thanks for the cash. as always reliable.
sucks for me that is the dollar - euro exchange rate is lousy.

hope all the kids here now have their $ 20 for bread and sausage.
or why so many are always in a hurry?
@ twinkle1452: Try upgrade your IE browser to newest version

@ all with status "APPROVED" - I'm assuming that it is Webmoney users. If so please read page 1756 thoroughly.
rick i have read this notices some time ago but for some reason i haven't caught eye on that new notice u added abt voucher :(( im one unlucky man if i had seen that notice before i wouldn't have taken the voucher by that guy who sent :((
Uploading multiple files fia FTP causes 1-2 files repeated in File Manager (same file is shown with 2 different links ) , both download links will work ??

Yes, those files should be downloadable. This happens a lot of time with me, i upload using file and image uploader and sometimes a file ends up twice or thrice on FS's servers. Nothing to worry about though. :)
need some help

Hello RickyFS
My account is yx8500.My Payment Method AlertPay is not exist.when I request I forget change it.Please sent money to my new Payment Method webmoney.

I'm new here. I've been using fileserve for a year now but recently I'm having problem accessing IDM also having problem downloading from the web. Notice from IDM says CANNOT FIND SERVER FILESERVE.COM. Is there any problem with fileserve?
Its not about me being good at something or not, its about people asking the same things over and over again. We've been using fileserve for a year now, isn't it time that people realize how their system works?

Well sorry about last night ! In fact you're right .
I can see people are going dumb these days .

Same questions every week .
When Payout ?
Why i didn't get paid ?
It's Wednesday , still no payout ?
My account not working ?
Suddenly everything is 0 ?
Site is down ! Oh crap!

Come on people , Grow up !
before posting any questions , make sure you read last 1-2 page / page 1 .

Ricky has life too !

Fileserve is one of the best host and they are always been legit . They pay every Wednesday .

For not getting Payment , make sure you read this one more time and don't ask !

-alex <3
@ yx8500: You need to go through Support to change that.

@ thugs_or_die: Which ISP you with?

@ hardaway2000: Did you get your money yet ;)

Forgot to say elpirata wasn't just using voucher codes from 1 account...It's just accumulated to 2 accounts. 2nd victim: DGNRULEZ. Shame.
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something weird just happened a file i tried to remote upload thats over a gig and since im a free user it took forever and so i cancelled it thinking its taking forever because i cant have a file that large...but right now it showed it up in my files but the weird part is i tried remote upload it a week or so ago....
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