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Hey guys - The speed problems are from USA only or Europe too ?

From both.

Wupload's servers are completely overloaded and they're unable to handle the incoming traffic, no matter from where you are. Some (very lucky) uploaders, manage to upload, but all others have no chance on these current servers.....

Wupload needs tons of aditional servers, but seems there's no way they're being added.................:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:
Be patient

I know for a fact it all worked before and ask yourself how many gigs you have already done? Does any other hoster do this well? if it did you would be there so assume they have been swamped with new people that were sick of there old Hoster as I was .You picked a winner with Wupload just do another project till it works again
Status: Waiting to retry...
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NODATA - No address associated with nodename".
Error: Could not connect to server
i can't see my BONUS EARNINGS

anyone have same problem?

Hey, ifreeshare!
The day after the end of each promo bracket, you will see a Request Bonus Payout link in your Earnings page. Click it to see your BONUS EARNINGS and request payout! It will be paid on the next payout!


please! pretium can upgrade to it??
ID: nobita5397
ref: 8917
thank you very much

Hello, onkaohka!

We are no longer giving out free accounts. For very active affiliates, we can discuss this! If you are currently
an active user, please feel free to respond so I can take a look at your account ;)

Get uploading and get active and we can discuss it!

Same problem for me. RU is not working since yesterday from fileserve, filesonic, rapidshare AND even from rapidleech..... They all give me 404 notice and/or Unknown Error!!!:facepalm:

Yes, facing the exact same problem. sBorg finally added wupload plugin and the upload speed to wupload is 0.08~0.5 mb/s, also on 1Gbps port USA server. And speeds for all other hosts are perfectly fine.....

And trying to upload through ftp is also not working. It's not able to connect since yesterday............

What's wrong with Wupload Willy???:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

A couple more :facepalm: should fix it! :P

FTP is back up! The speed isn't ideal at the moment, but we are working on that!

Sorry for the disruption, everybody!

As for RU... that will require a little bit of patience as we adjust to the massive amount of traffic going through there right now!


Added after 16 minutes:


More than 10 Million files uploaded so far
What a traffic....

Yes, quite the amount of traffic!!

Last edited:
These are the speeds I get while trying to upload to wupload through sBorg:


These are extremelly small files, so you can imagine how painful it is to upload a single bigger file.....

Reply I got from sBorg is that wupload servers are overloaded. It makes sense, cause I don't have such speeds for any other filehost, even if they are located in europe.

Willy..... Please, install more servers.... This is terrible for uploaders.

We are installing servers all the time :D

The more servers we install, the more traffic!

We are working on unclogging the bottleneck right now, thank you for your patience and understanding :)

Willy kindly explain about this-
I have just uploaded the file and doesnt make it public then also my file is deleted.


Link ID-3564820

Hi, jeet!

Did the file show up in your "Removed Files" tab?


RU doesn't work..........

All files in queue for over 2 hours:



Hi, BloodSucker!

RU IS working - some will get In Queue, some will not - this has to do with the amount of traffic we have right now. "In Queue" doesn't mean it isn't working, it just means you need to be patient ;)

same here.... :facepalm:

Hey, guys!

Please PM me your account ID.


hi willy can u tell me how can send request for earning payments in my paypal
account. my ID 3786 and please send money in my account thanks

Hi, sameer!

Payouts are automatic every Wednesday!

The only thing you'll have to request is your bonus payout! You will be able to do this as of the 11th! :)

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