See how poorly this webmaster can fall (fail)!

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Active Member


I think images speak pretty much everything.

Haha, this n00b even put his site ranking in his sig. :P
So instead of wasting more time on him by talking to him personally, i thought this would be much better!

To conclude, i just hope that he never reaches 4*. X-D

He didn't tell either it is 4* on phze. He just told that its 4*. So common sense tells that its katz.


To all those new people to this thread. If you dont wanna see all these replies just see post #43.

Edit: If any mod feels it is just another drama thread, he can close it!
What you talking about, if you look it says no where that his site is 4* on Katz, neither in his signature. You fail for creating such a idiotic thread.
I think you didn't get what i wanted to say by these images.

I am uploader for 4* and 5* on katz.

He said in pm that he was also 4*, so i should upload for him. He lied to get me as an uploader.
4 might be near to 3. In this way you can also tell 2 is near to 3. So does that mean, all those * sites get equal traffic?

Yes, first of all, he was asking to upload, very happily and politely.
As soon as i refused, the abuse starts! XD
They are called personal messages for a reason. If you didn't want to argue then don't reply to him. He's done nothing wrong to be fair, you have by making this public and making something out of nothing.
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