NeoVistas Is Here

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Active Member

I'm using the name NeoVIstas because I'm proud of it.

I'm from the USA. I love to interact and talk with friends old and new and ones I've yet to meet.

My hobby is working on warez sites and I've been on quite a few over the past 11 years. I got a late start but I've learned a lot in my opinion but I know there's an almost infinite amount left to discover and master.

I love photoshopping in my own limited way. I play around with banners and avatars for my site. We try to change the banner regularly. It's something to do, lol.

I also enjoy (sometimes enjoy) twitter, reddit and facebook but it's not as much fun as it once seemed. I'm not gonna get into that now but I'm sure others know what I mean.

Let's see, I love dogs but my last pack died off over a period of 10 months of each other 2 years ago. After Patty died Lucy and Bobby grieved themselves away and died a few months apart afterward. I haven't the heart to get involved with other dogs now. I don't want to leave them here alone not knowing the future for them.

Cats are great but they're just not dogs.

I don't really know what else to say. Just wanted to put a little about me out there for the WJ community to see.

Welcome to WJunction!

Perhaps you could share some of your photoshop work? I'd like to see it!

I use it mostly for graphics on and on the monthly Neo Vistas Telegraph publication on the site. It's like a newsletter for members. It's nothing really. Just a fun hobby to share with friends. I don't boast about it at all. I was just telling a little about my hobbies. I don't think it's anything impressive. Just simple stuff but I have fun doing it. Thank you for asking about it. That makes me wish I were more talented or at least better at photoshop.

Thank you CyberPumpDog
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