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when some one violates the terms or reported as suspicious person or wrong activities which violates any kind of rights either individual or country

can you elaborate the activities part?
Also, have you encountered any examples in terms of violation?
I want to be active on Facebook but have a hesitance of negative reputation from banning.
Why are you being afraid to be banned from facebook, do you have some bad feelings for someone or did'nt have control on your words to be written, before more i write something i would like to know what was the reason for you have asked that question?
it would be more easy for anyone to tell you something worthy.
Why are you being afraid to be banned from facebook, do you have some bad feelings for someone or did'nt have control on your words to be written, before more i write something i would like to know what was the reason for you have asked that question?
it would be more easy for anyone to tell you something worthy.

I'm currently thinking of using Facebook to promote my products and don't want to over do the promotion.
From my experience, I can say that if anyone's account is new and not of 30 days old but he/she joins so many Groups for marketing purposes, then he/she will get banned.
Facebook disables accounts that violate its rules.
You could place content that opposes the conditions, use the wrong name and information about yourself, use the name of another person, interact with people in order to perform prohibited actions.
You used to be able to get around FB bans but they are I suspect checking your MAC address of your posts so you can't get around it by setting up fake accounts on the same machine
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