flashX.tv | Up To $5 Per 1K Views | Daily Payments | Adult | Subtitles | Since 2011

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payment received.

Still one of my Fav Hosts, hes not the best in Paying anymore, but a static income, Hope he will reduce the amount of popups in time, I still use him cause the files stay much much longer online then with other hosts (dmca abuse), cause openload and so sometimes delete after 10 minutes, while flashx the files stay most time forever.
Update 2017-09-05
Today, we reduced our advertising extremely.
From almost 10 popups in the past (apologies for this) to a maximum of 2 popups up to the movie.
Try it by yourself. Directlink and Embed-Code are nearly without a popunder. Much better than before.
So, please tell this to your visitors and share your flashX links.
We are very visitors friendly now!
Hablare en mi idioma español:
Gracias por el pago flashx.tv eres el mejor reproductor, pense que tenia bastante publicidad, por eso no borraban los videos, pero luego de la ultimo hackeo y borraron videos, mis visitantes bajaron a la mitad y muchas quejas por la excesiva publicidad, el redireccionamiento es terrible, no lo pueden ver por celular.
No me ha quedado otra solucion que usar mi propio reproductor.
Gracias flashx.tv eres el mejor.
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Hablare en mi idioma español:
Gracias por el pago flashx.tv eres el mejor reproductor, pense que tenia bastante publicidad, por eso no borraban los videos, pero luego de la ultimo hackeo y borraron videos, mis visitantes bajaron a la mitad y muchas quejas por la excesiva publicidad, el redireccionamiento es terrible, no lo pueden ver por celular.
No me ha quedado otra solucion que usar mi propio reproductor.
Gracias flashx.tv eres el mejor.
Tuviste que usar tu propio reproductor, no te entiendo... A qué te refieres?
Hablare en mi idioma español:
Gracias por el pago flashx.tv eres el mejor reproductor, pense que tenia bastante publicidad, por eso no borraban los videos, pero luego de la ultimo hackeo y borraron videos, mis visitantes bajaron a la mitad y muchas quejas por la excesiva publicidad, el redireccionamiento es terrible, no lo pueden ver por celular.
No me ha quedado otra solucion que usar mi propio reproductor.
Gracias flashx.tv eres el mejor.
Tuviste que usar tu propio reproductor, no te entiendo... A qué te refieres?

--> We speak no spain, sorry!
Tuviste que usar tu propio reproductor, no te entiendo... A qué te refieres?

--> We speak no spain, sorry!

This is the english Translation

I will speak in my Spanish language:
Thanks for the payment flashx.tv you are the best player, I thought I had enough publicity, so I did not delete the videos, but after the last hack and deleted videos, my visitors dropped in half and many complaints about excessive publicity, redirecting is terrible, they can not see it by cell phone.
I have no other solution than using my own player.
Thank you flashx.tv you're the best.
You had to use your own player, I do not understand ... What do you mean?
--> We speak no spain, sorry!

This is the english Translation

I will speak in my Spanish language:
Thanks for the payment flashx.tv you are the best player, I thought I had enough publicity, so I did not delete the videos, but after the last hack and deleted videos, my visitors dropped in half and many complaints about excessive publicity, redirecting is terrible, they can not see it by cell phone.
I have no other solution than using my own player.
Thank you flashx.tv you're the best.
You had to use your own player, I do not understand ... What do you mean?

--> Please contact us per mail (info@flashx.tv) and we will find a solution. What do you mean with your own player?
What happened to the views? I use this host from the start of it and always the views were shaved but now is just too much, is this a joke? You expect us to keep working when the reports had dropped to 4-5 cents a day? Please inspect and fix the issue or you will loose many users, user aked23 .

--> Yes, we had an issue. Thank you for this nice information! We need your username to add your lost money!

Added after 2 minutes:

What happened to the views? I use this host from the start of it and always the views were shaved but now is just too much, is this a joke? You expect us to keep working when the reports had dropped to 4-5 cents a day? Please inspect and fix the issue or you will loose many users, user aked23 .

--> I don't understand. Since 2017-01-01 you earn approx 0.5 -1.2 USD per day. Please notice: We don't pay for AdBlock, Kodi, XMBC, uBlock or other visitors like these.
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thanks for premium

Added after 1 Day 22 Hours:

can't we really export links from files uploaded via remote upload?
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@flashx, i can't upload videos on FTP anymore.

Filezilla error: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known

Is that happening just to me or to everyone? any alternative?
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