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My stats are fine but when I upload files to a folder, they end up on the main page instead of the folder. Anyone else experiencing that?
I uploaded some files to several folders and they were saved on each folder correctly.
Maybe was selected "Root" instead the folder you wanted.
My stats are fine but when I upload files to a folder, they end up on the main page instead of the folder. Anyone else experiencing that?
I uploaded some files to several folders and they were saved on each folder correctly.
Maybe was selected "Root" instead the folder you wanted.

The root directory is where they are all ending up. It's not a big deal, really, but I'm hoping they are working on it. I guess I should open a ticket about it, eh?
The root directory is where they are all ending up. It's not a big deal, really, but I'm hoping they are working on it. I guess I should open a ticket about it, eh?
Yes... maybe it can be a bug.
For me, always worked fine until now.
If I select a folder, the files are always saved on it.
Files all uploaded via FTP impossible download (ErrorCode 3: This file was deleted by uploader or by abuse or by terms violation). It seems error again :facepalm:
I have got a problem, all my files gone for an unknown reason.
Does anybody got the same issue and know why?
I hope it's just a bug from 'em.
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