What are you currently playing?

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Mind Freak™

Active Member
Here's the official, what are you currently playing? thread!

  • What is the game you are playing? or what was the last one you played?
  • What is the next one you are considering buying?
Here is my choice:

  • Tomb Raider
  • I am considering to buy SimCity the new one
Last game i played was COD BO2.
Not playing any lately.
Will be playing Tomb Raider Definitely (Square Enix rocks!)
Will be purchasing GTA V for sure (Game Pack with bundled goodies) :-=
I play everything, but nothing longer then 3-5 hours except heroes of newereth (like dota).
Last real game which i played really was The elder scrolls V Skyrim
Currently I am playing Diablo 3. Its a Role-Playing game.The graphics are gorgeous.whenever I start playing this game I just got addicted.I have also plan to buy SimCity the new one.
Curretly playing

I'm not currently playing anything, but steam has Natural Selection 2 right now for 50% off and it looks great.
Any thoughts on NS2?
I left video games a while ago but I play flash games almost everyday, that's because I have to test what games are fun,etc and add them to a site I run in the Flash Arcade niche.
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