- PPD Up to 60$/1000Dls PPS 70% of Sales+Rebills Hybrid Plan (40/40)

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hey first I want thanks you premium account,but I have try upgrade again,I use alertpay but apear this message


can fix??

We're working on a fix. We had some script issues when AlertPay became Payza, so we're trying to fix them ASAP.

Please Add webmoney

Will be added soon.

The first payment request. Waiting. :)

You'll be getting your payout soon. ;)

United Kingdom is Group B..They deserve a better place i guess...i am getting good sales from UK from filepost

We don't really have much traffic coming in from UK at the moment, but we'll analyze the situation and monitor the incoming traffic from UK.
But for sales, it makes no difference.

Admin. thanks for good service and support

please upgrade to premium my account

username: pieroski

We're sorry, but we're not giving away more free premiums.
ru not working
pls fix it

Please... read the news on first page.
We're configuring the new servers, which will be working tomorrow. Properly configuring the servers takes a bit of time, if you want it to be done right.

A little patience and everything will be ok tomorrow during the day.

And now, I have to be off. I'll be back online in about 10-12 hours, ok?

Best regards to all of you.
Hello, my accoun is Bem92upload I posted a message in support of filesega, I might have an answer is an important message regarding the passage of Italy in the group What can you tell me?
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