Known again down

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I moved to XSLtel during the last outage of KnownSRV, and after a week plus, XSLtel has HDD failure and wipe my site clean. Luckily I haven't cancelled my account with Known yet and all the data are still intact, save for a few days of posts. So now I am back with Known.
It's one IP out of their hunderds, no need to create a new thread every time when they get issues with one of their servers or IP address.

whats wrong in creating a thread ? Their official thread is deleted + there are many clients on that IP.
What do you get by creating a thread ? Does it benefit you ?

This post benefit users in all ways, why?

1) When you not get response from the support, you can be sure tha the problem is from hosting side and not from the user side.

2) When hosting not give info about what happens, you always have more chances to at least build backup (check slowly this thread and you will see how some users could backup their site becuase this post exists).

3) The rest of the family knows that knowsrv not will be reliable anymore, so users can keep safe or start to build daily backups, order a backup hosting, etc...

There you have at least three good points to keep open the post, for sure this kind of posts is not what the hosting company loves and since you come from a hosting company....
To be honest it's becoming a bit of a joke, thank god I'm not hosted by them but I'm sick of threads been made about them constantly and they need to sort there company out.
Are you guys on shared hosting?

Get together and split a managed VPS and host yourselves on that.

Seems like a good idea but here is a light trust issue and additionally people using more bandwidth than others. Finally there is a security issue.

May as well switch host.
finnaly moves one of my site's to xsltel and it's amazing another thing can anyone tell me i have my site served by theme and domain registred with theme can i move the site and will work or what i have to do to the domain
After reading everything . i did some digging and looked for a better soulution to the issue

i dont know how many are hosted on shared but its not a good idea to run a warez site on shared . it never is ..

so looking at all the hosts here on wj one sticks out above the rest

i read allot about them and they seem to have the least issues

Give it a try plus there are discounts on the page .
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