BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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So, no one to answer these questions?

1.Is bitshare closing theyr affilate program?
2.Bitshare bans accounts randomly?
3.Doest FTP uploading speed gets better after we upgrade to premium?

Got a 1gb connection and im uping at 150-400kb/s

>.< That is terrible
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Got a 1gb connection and im uping at 150-400kb/s

>.< That is terrible

Im not sure, but perhabs it is in course of your server location.
I have had a server in france, there was the same speed like u.
now i have a server in USA, there it is better, not everytime but very often.
Sometimes the speed is terrible too. Uner 100kb/s ^^
That is strange as hell since bitshare is located at France and im using a NL RDP which should be faster than a USA RDP connecting to an european country Oo
Dou you count only free users download in PPD affiliate model or not?

A few people download my files using premium but no download is counted :(
yes, more than any filehoster I have seen before (hotfile and fileserve deleted my accounts during the panic wave in Jan., all the others FS RS UP MS never did)

Maybe those banned accounts belong to people that share files with movie/game real names instead of naming files as 123213.rar etc
KZEE: Only for copyrighted files that got reported.

Kakariko: All those who are not active, will not be able to join Affiliate program in the future.

minhete: We can not allow users to do that. We would get alot of problems.

KeeN: Only free.
what copyrighted files were you referring to ? there was empty under the deleted tab last time i checked.
so you are saying that accounts will be instantly banned whenever files got reported right ?
just a side note, my freakshare was also banned at the same time(sold like 40 accounts in 1month ... and did not request a payment, so good for them )
freakshare = bitshare even though he keeps denying it lol.
KZEE: You break our rules many times. We dont suspend at first.

chingy: Check.

Guys, please check what free user downloadspeed you get.
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