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1. You're not uploaders. You just insert URLs and leech. You have no right to "earn" anything. Its all stolen content
2. Deleting your files just hurts the downloaders looking for files
3. They're not closing, idiots. This is why if you do not speak English, you have no reason to be here as you just fuck everything up that is said and make it all seem worse

I agree with him (partially.) Deleting files is a stupid move. Why do you care if they are paying or no anymore. You have already done your part and your work of uploading and sharing then why the Fuck you wanna delete it now.

Leeching is the part where I dont agree. Btw If you remove all stolen content then I guess hardly 0.0000001% of the files will be left which are not stolen and that files would be self made porn videos:)) , and few others which people would download for fun.

So tell me something respected member. When a new tv show/movie is released or aired the pirated thing is available all over the net. Then why would a uploader with little sense download that thing and reupload it ?
He could just use remote upload right. thats the reason remote upload is given. Right ? Btw dont tell me shit that someone did a lot of hardwork in uploading that copyrighted stuff and we are just leeching it.
Stealing from a thief's house is not same as stealing from holy place :)

Yup they are not closing they are just turning themselves into megaupload / rapidshare .. Upload for fun and not money..:D (I guess 99% of the uploaders will leave )

Now lets get back to Wupload closing down:

I would blame Willy way more than I would blame the uploaders.
Few mistakes willy made.

1. Started of with high incentives.40$/1000 downloads. many files hosts were paying like 5-10 $ less than this.

2. Tried to grow way to fast. (filesonic is more than 1 year old and wupload tried to reach that level in just 3-4 months)

3. Wrong anticipation of members that would join and upload. (remote upload from wu - wu does not increase space on the server but does increase spam which leads to overload)

4. Did not disabled ru from wu - wu, (atleast he should have learned something from his "COUSIN")

Mistakes by Uploader.

1. Tooo muchh spam.. and way to much Remote upload from WU - WU. Led to overload of the server and in the end you can see the results right ?

Uploaders are not much at fault as willy is :)

This filehost could have turned into something big IF they would have restricted their growth,

The Higher you FLY the Faster you Fall

RIP to Wupload.

Had a good time with you People :):):)
Next thing that Willy will do is tell his "sympathizers" to go and support Filesonic in the same way that they supported Wupload.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire

Added after 19 minutes:

I agree with him (partially.) Deleting files is a stupid move. Why do you care if they are paying or no anymore. You have already done your part and your work of uploading and sharing then why the Fuck you wanna delete it now

Deleting the files would help him. It was the massive uploading of files that caused him to go bankrupt because he had to buy a lot of servers for all those files. If we all delete our files, he will need less servers and that means he will have to spend less.

Ho doesn't have money anymore and you still want him to spend the little money he has left just to keep your files online? That's not helping him. That would be the most selfish thing you can do.

Leeching is the part where I dont agree. Btw If you remove all stolen content then I guess hardly 0.0000001% of the files will be left which are not stolen and that files would be self made porn videos , and few others which people would download for fun.

That's another reason why the files should be deleted. If he doesn't have any more money then he has to defend himself against a case from the DMCA for all the pirated files in his servers, what's going to happen to him? He will really lose all his money and properties and maybe even go to jail.

So DELETE ALL YOUR FILES if you want to help Willy save money and stay out of jail!

Stealing from a thief's house is not same as stealing from holy place

Stealing is stealing, whether it's from a thief or a priest. Whoever told you that stealing from a thief's house is not bad must be a policeman or a politician.

2. Tried to grow way to fast. (filesonic is more than 1 year old and wupload tried to reach that level in just 3-4 months)

Wupload is a branch of Filesonic. Why is Filesonic making money while Wupload is losing money? Wupload is following the same pattern, business plan and program as Filesonic. Wupload is BETTER than Filesonic because he already has experience from Filesonic when he opened Wupload.

Mistakes by Uploader.

Keeping the files in Wupload's servers. You are not helping Willy by keeping your files in there. You are just making him have to spend more and are putting him at risk of going to jail.

If you really pity Willy and want to help him,

If not, I bet Filesonic will also soon be "losing money" and do the same thing that Willy is doing to Wupload.
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Wupload Closing Affiliate Program

that this happens if it's legal issue or economic issue but really left us all with his ass broke, we work with you to earn our money and learn from this is a headache

but I am very sad that this happens with your web page: (
Lmao, it's interesting to see all the hypocrites cry in here about this. Get over it, you were making money off illegal content, that income source is now shutting down. Go find another source or get a job.
I agree with him (partially.) Deleting files is a stupid move. Why do you care if they are paying or no anymore. You have already done your part and your work of uploading and sharing then why the Fuck you wanna delete it now.

Leeching is the part where I dont agree. Btw If you remove all stolen content then I guess hardly 0.0000001% of the files will be left which are not stolen and that files would be self made porn videos:)) , and few others which people would download for fun.

So tell me something respected member. When a new tv show/movie is released or aired the pirated thing is available all over the net. Then why would a uploader with little sense download that thing and reupload it ?
He could just use remote upload right. thats the reason remote upload is given. Right ? Btw dont tell me shit that someone did a lot of hardwork in uploading that copyrighted stuff and we are just leeching it.
Stealing from a thief's house is not same as stealing from holy place :)

Yup they are not closing they are just turning themselves into megaupload / rapidshare .. Upload for fun and not money..:D (I guess 99% of the uploaders will leave )

Now lets get back to Wupload closing down:

I would blame Willy way more than I would blame the uploaders.
Few mistakes willy made.

1. Started of with high incentives.40$/1000 downloads. many files hosts were paying like 5-10 $ less than this.

2. Tried to grow way to fast. (filesonic is more than 1 year old and wupload tried to reach that level in just 3-4 months)

3. Wrong anticipation of members that would join and upload. (remote upload from wu - wu does not increase space on the server but does increase spam which leads to overload)

4. Did not disabled ru from wu - wu, (atleast he should have learned something from his "COUSIN")

Mistakes by Uploader.

1. Tooo muchh spam.. and way to much Remote upload from WU - WU. Led to overload of the server and in the end you can see the results right ?

Uploaders are not much at fault as willy is :)

This filehost could have turned into something big IF they would have restricted their growth,

The Higher you FLY the Faster you Fall

RIP to Wupload.

Had a good time with you People :):):)

- he will reupload it to share. sharing is caring. warez is to share such files people would not normally pay money for. This was the case before 3rd world countries found out they could feed their families "uploading" files

- If you guys thought Willy didn't see this day coming from a month before they opened, you're dumb. Teach you for looking at the $$/1000 downloads. Looks like your family is going hungry this month and Saranyu is not getting that new pair of shoes :p

Yes, we are not uploaders because there is no such word as "uploader" in the dictionary. That's true, go look it up.

Yeah and the filehosts dont have any idea that almost all of the files hosted with them are stolen. That's why we should do the legal and morally correct thing which is delete all our files.

That's not true! Those are stolen files! They are illegal! We will be helping the downloader keep out of trouble if we delete all our stolen files.

BTW, the word "downloader" does not exist in the dictionary either.

They're not closing! Why would he close when he already has enough files to generate income without having to pay anyone for the files anymore? Every cent he gets from every sale he makes after the 28th goes to his deep pockets and all these unsuspecting noobs who actually think Willy is headed for the poorhouse think they can help by keeping all their files in the servers.

Let's all do the morally correct thing and really help "poor" Willy


That way, nobody gets into trouble for having STOLEN files and the "poor" Willy could save money from all the servers he doesn't need anymore.

This is fucking crazy. Not even going to make responses to this because you are obviously a 3rd world uploader only into this for the money and couldn't give a fuck about what sharing is.
- he will reupload it to share. sharing is caring. warez is to share such files people would not normally pay money for. This was the case before 3rd world countries found out they could feed their families "uploading" files

- If you guys thought Willy didn't see this day coming from a month before they opened, you're dumb. Teach you for looking at the $$/1000 downloads. Looks like your family is going hungry this month and Saranyu is not getting that new pair of shoes :p

Ohhh so You dont know a fukking thing about business do you ?
No one opens a company to close it down unless and untill they want themselves to be branded as SCAM/SCAMMERS.

And I dont need the freaking money from filesharing to feed my family and I am just 20 years old and doing my MBA. And my DAD is earning good so feeding my family through mere filesharing money is just CRAP. I just do online earning thing to find more ways to earn money online. Its like an interesting adventure for me. I dont give a crap about how much I make. I just want to explore the ways of earning money.

Saranyu is not getting that new pair of shoes

What the hell this suppose to mean ??

Now dont tell me I am from 3rd world country that I dont know what this suppose to mean.

If you are from the so Called 1st world country and consider the third world country a lower lever/caste people then you are a FREAKING RACIST and you dont deserve any freaking respect or respected member tag from this forum or anywhere else.

And whats wrong with People from 3rd world country feeding their family through filesharing stuff.

Have you ever being or lived their life. Do you have any freaking idea how hard their life is ?
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