WX Web Browser (lulz start from page 4)

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Please Check My Web Browser Out Its Not Completely Finished yet Some Things i still need to Code

its features is
windows version Check
Check For updates
About Box
Progress bar
random Password generator
restart Application
exit app
status Label
Connection/Disconnection Icon For Internet not being connected
time And Date Displayed - Even if your in a different timezone it runs off your clock off operating system

also if you use xp the main controls well change apperance as your taskbar or the same colour as your using

New things i want to code to it next

post Generator
Status labels working on all tabs - cause when ya hovber over hyperlink displays it on tab one that opens but when ya add a new tab the second one doesnt display hover hyperlinks are not displayed like first tab

random Password generator -- needs each one that it generates needs to be added to the text box

Also in random password generator when minimised want to resume main form without it asking me to close random password dialog box

want to add cookies and internet tools
favorites ... also recent sites ive visited will be displayed in address box

also wanna add cyberj37s post generator to it but a slight tweak

i want to make copy and paste work by keyboard and copys to clipboard instead of copy by keyboard and right click paste and be able to paste in address box

Hopefully i Will Be Done all this soon thats me dream :>

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FYI, there is no such thing as microsoft internet tools. When you use the WebBrowser control (which you did) you are using Internet Explorer, even though it doesn't say that explicitly. All you did was hook up some events. By no means did you code a browser.
And your images can tell us what you want them to tell us



Delicious Sauce

<a href="/search?q=bar+code&ct=barcode09&oi=ddle"><img id="logo" width="276" height="110" border="0" src="/logos/barcode09.gif" alt="" title="Barcodes are gay" onload="window.lol&&lol()"/>


<font color="red"> Google is now owned by jamie, kthnxproof</font>
okies no worries but that google trick i can do that i even can edit it got javascript code for that apart from thats out the way what do you think and why wouldnt it run like IE8 then ?
Just freaking give it up already son, you do realize that everyone here can surf to that site and see the exact same thing? Get back to your books, seriously.

Edit: do me a favor and release a paid version of it with some security so I don't get bored next weekend.
Why would i wanna code a browser with security for when share in is carein i will give up then but **** me i didnt know this is my first app all i was asking for is to see what you think of it im pretty good on computers so i decided to learn vb on me own no teacher nothing all i wanna do is learn more and more , i try different things of a night like php , started visual basic last week , i can command prompt , dos programming , a tiny bit of javascripting , done website html learning a vbullitin at moment can do a but of flash , tryed game programming didnt understand that .. Finished me course in uni computer maintance course , fix pc's ... Technition .. Can design pictures and stuff in photoshop i know quite a lot of things all you doing is arguing with me thats not nice ,, im here to learn like everyone else on this planet and thank you for taking pataince with me but fuck you .....
You do my tits in for the last hour . How am i supposed to know that it was internet tools idiot my first fucking application ive made i told you that at the start if:@ you cant get a long with me do 1 understand safe thanks for disbelving me why am i on this planet with dicks like you i dont know i can see me self getting fucking arrested tonight cause of u u nob btw im physho you know im mentally let down by nobs like you
just for the record have a.d.h.d too i was the first of my kind ....
I dont dream .. Thats fucked up enough....
I dont sleep at all ... Thats fucked up
had visions of jumping of bridges on motorways coz i cant deal life and you know what ill blame it all on you u tosser

sorry for swearing at you i get so angry

just ignore what i just sed its just how i deal with things yea
plus me phsycophermpist sed get everything off my chest before it builds up sorry :)

Why w0uld 1 w4nn4 c0d3 4 br0ws3r w1th s3cur1ty f0r wh3n sh4r3 1n 1s c4r31n 1 w1ll g1v3 up th3n but **** m3 1 d1dnt kn0w th1s 1s my f1rst 4pp 4ll 1 w4s 4sk1ng f0r 1s t0 s33 wh4t y0u th1nk 0f 1t 1m pr3tty g00d 0n c0mput3rs s0 1 d3c1d3d t0 l34rn vb 0n m3 0wn n0 t34ch3r n0th1ng 4ll 1 w4nn4 d0 1s l34rn m0r3 4nd m0r3 , 1 try d1ff3r3nt th1ngs 0f 4 n1ght l1k3 php , st4rt3d v1su4l b4s1c l4st w33k , 1 c4n c0mm4nd pr0mpt , d0s pr0gr4mm1ng , 4 t1ny b1t 0f j4v4scr1pt1ng , d0n3 w3bs1t3 html l34rn1ng 4 vbull1t1n 4t m0m3nt c4n d0 4 but 0f fl4sh , try3d g4m3 pr0gr4mm1ng d1dnt und3rst4nd th4t .. F1n1sh3d m3 c0urs3 1n un1 c0mput3r m41nt4nc3 c0urs3 , f1x pc's ... T3chn1t10n .. C4n d3s1gn p1ctur3s 4nd stuff 1n ph0t0sh0p 1 kn0w qu1t3 4 l0t 0f th1ngs 4ll y0u d01ng 1s 4rgu1ng w1th m3 th4ts n0t n1c3 ,, 1m h3r3 t0 l34rn l1k3 3v3ry0n3 3ls3 0n th1s pl4n3t 4nd th4nk y0u f0r t4k1ng p4t41nc3 w1th m3 but fuck y0u .....
Y0u d0 my t1ts 1n f0r th3 l4st h0ur . H0w 4m 1 supp0s3d t0 kn0w th4t 1t w4s 1nt3rn3t t00ls 1d10t my f1rst fuck1ng 4ppl1c4t10n 1v3 m4d3 1 t0ld y0u th4t 4t th3 st4rt 1f y0u c4nt g3t 4 l0ng w1th m3 d0 1 und3rst4nd s4f3 th4nks f0r d1sb3lv1ng m3 why 4m 1 0n th1s pl4n3t w1th d1cks l1k3 y0u 1 d0nt kn0w 1 c4n s33 m3 s3lf g3tt1ng fuck1ng 4rr3st3d t0n1ght c4us3 0f u u n0b btw 1m physh0 y0u kn0w 1m m3nt4lly l3t d0wn by n0bs l1k3 y0u
just f0r th3 r3c0rd h4v3 4.d.h.d t00 1 w4s th3 f1rst 0f my k1nd ....
1 d0nt dr34m .. Th4ts fuck3d up 3n0ugh....
1 d0nt sl33p 4t 4ll ... Th4ts fuck3d up
h4d v1s10ns 0f jump1ng 0f br1dg3s 0n m0t0rw4ys c0z 1 c4nt d34l l1f3 4nd y0u kn0w wh4t 1ll bl4m3 1t 4ll 0n y0u u t0ss3r

s0rry f0r sw34r1ng 4t y0u 1 g3t s0 4ngry

just 1gn0r3 wh4t 1 just s3d 1ts just h0w 1 d34l w1th th1ngs y34
plus m3 phsyc0ph3rmp1st s3d g3t 3v3ryth1ng 0ff my ch3st b3f0r3 1t bu1lds up s0rry
Why would i wanna code a browser with security for when share in is carein i will give up then but **** me i didnt know this is my first app all i was asking for is to see what you think of it im pretty good on computers so i decided to learn vb on me own no teacher nothing all i wanna do is learn more and more , i try different things of a night like php , started visual basic last week , i can command prompt , dos programming , a tiny bit of javascripting , done website html learning a vbullitin at moment can do a but of flash , tryed game programming didnt understand that .. Finished me course in uni computer maintance course , fix pc's ... Technition .. Can design pictures and stuff in photoshop i know quite a lot of things all you doing is arguing with me thats not nice ,, im here to learn like everyone else on this planet and thank you for taking pataince with me but fuck you .....
You do my tits in for the last hour . How am i supposed to know that it was internet tools idiot my first fucking application ive made i told you that at the start if:@ you cant get a long with me do 1 understand safe thanks for disbelving me why am i on this planet with dicks like you i dont know i can see me self getting fucking arrested tonight cause of u u nob btw im physho you know im mentally let down by nobs like you
just for the record have a.d.h.d too i was the first of my kind ....
I dont dream .. Thats fucked up enough....
I dont sleep at all ... Thats fucked up
had visions of jumping of bridges on motorways coz i cant deal life and you know what ill blame it all on you u tosser

sorry for swearing at you i get so angry

just ignore what i just sed its just how i deal with things yea
plus me phsycophermpist sed get everything off my chest before it builds up sorry :)


You sir are and idiot

and this..

So how would you go about make your OWN web browser from stractch. Always wanted to know? How long would it take? And would some here be able to do it?
@ ACE: as one person, months before you have something near an alpha build. That is, without JS or CSS support. A browser seems like an everyday thing but don't underestimate its complexity if you wanna start one from scratch. Look at IE, build by the Almighty M$ and still it is shit after 15 years of development. Even Google Chrome wasn't build from scratch, they used the Webkit engine.
Lmao you are right. It is shit. But since Firefox is open source, couldn't u copy some of their code and make it your own? That would be cool is a group got together and just worked on a web browser.
You can fork Firefox yes, or use its engine: Gecko. But then you are in the same situation as this guy right here is, using prebuild functionality.
True true. I guess it wouldn't be any fun then. I guess it would be hard to beat the almighty Firefox anyways. Unless a site started and like A LOT of people wanted to help build one.

You guys are killing the luls ¬_¬ Hang your heads in shame

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