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I'm sorry, Virtual, but when there are repeats of the same question, I'm not going to answer every single one.

I will address the issue and move to the next question ;)


Deeds are better than words when talk sorry we . We working very hard but wupload stats frozen. We lost money .
Why Wupload don't bonus we one day 10% or 20% the next day?
hi, which download manager that support segment download work with wupload? already try orbit and flashget (old version) both not working it download a small file that said bad hash.
hi, which download manager that support segment download work with wupload? already try orbit and flashget (old version) both not working it download a small file that said bad hash.

Internet download manager (IDM) supports segmented downloading of wupload links.
hi willy I'm not here to trouble you about earnings issues. however I do have a slight problem. I just purchased a 30 day premium and my download speeds are very slow still. may I ask if there is a resolution to my slow speeds?

hi, am new To this site and i just wanted to ask To add REMOTE upload to Torrents. like LETITBIT & FIleFactory, but those 2 only allow remote upload for torrents for premium only:'(, i wish can add it to us for free :(
torrent feature is great, hope they will add this feature with ability to split large sized files to desired sized parts.

How to integrate IDM with wupload. ?

I have a premium account, but even after insert the site login username and pass, IDM always get the html file instead of the real file.

Thanks in advance.

edit :
Nevermind, I have found a solution.
Solve after make some experiment.

Temp solution :
Always login in wupload acount, keep it open and IDM link grabber should works fine.

Maybe there is a better answer out there.
Last edited:

How to integrate IDM with wupload. ?

I have a premium account, but even after insert the site login username and pass, IDM always get the html file instead of the real file.

Thanks in advance.

edit :
Nevermind, I have found a solution.
Solve after make some experiment.

Temp solution :
Always login in wupload acount, keep it open and IDM link grabber should works fine.

Maybe there is a better answer out there.
Your method works but the problem is IDM still cannot have multiple connection per download. It can only have one connection per download which is slow for premium user.
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