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Go to this link :

And then click on Trade in points.


thanks mate. 8-)

its help me alot.

Thank You Very Much.
RU Too slow.

Edit : Downloading 1 file out of 8.


See this it Downloading 1 file. [slide][/slide]
Willy You pay auto every week or we need to make a request for payout ?

RU works perfect for me just few mints back i remote around 4 gb
Hi Willy,

I just got 1 sale through my links, but I only got 10% sale of site's sale, not 30% of premium sale. Thus, I only got 5.5$ for that sale, I lost 15$. Please check ticket #4094


Your most probably on the Pay Per Download plan. You need to change it plan B to get 30% of the sale.
My upload speed to wupload is 300kbps :(
Im on a 1gb US Server and im only getting these speeds, is something wrong?


The speed issues associated with US server - our EU servers are something we've been working on over the past several days and are still working on!

We are aware of these issues and are working to alleviate them!

Thanks for your patience!

I did answer, and yes.

You can.


Hi, pappunsu!

Go into your STATS page and you will notice a column on the right listed as "PROMO".

Click any of the links and they should say "REQUEST" (note, for weeks 1 & 2, the request period has expired by now).

Click REQUEST, enter your Wupload e-mail and password, and they will be added to your next payout!


Hi willy,

Iam a wupload member and offcourse new in uploading field i saw your promo and uploaded my files in whole june, i was thinkng that the promo bonus is auto process, i dont knw how to get my bonus, its my hard work willy, i clicked all request and send you an email but did not get any reply please give me my promo bonus,that almost 100$

Hi Willy, i upgraded my webmoney account, can you payout again to me $232.66?
My account is
Thank a lot!

Thanks, magictaxi!

I've passed it along so we can reprocess it!


Added after 4 minutes:

Yes. me too have this Problem. :(

I just put through a file from FileSonic and it went very fast!

We are, however, processing a large amount of remote upload files, so you may have to be patient!


S52 is too slow, pls fix it. Thx

I'm testing it right now, sharp!


Willy You pay auto every week or we need to make a request for payout ?

RU works perfect for me just few mints back i remote around 4 gb

Hi, Ar!yaN!

We pay every Wednesday for earnings acquired by the previous Sunday - minimum payout is $10!


Added after 6 minutes:

hey Willy, remote upload from oron to wupload not working, it show Error 404, please advise,

http://user:password@ not working
save the username and password not working also

please advise

Hey, gogo!

I'm looking into this!

Last edited:
Hi Willy,

I just got 1 sale through my links, but I only got 10% sale of site's sale, not 30% of premium sale. Thus, I only got 5.5$ for that sale, I lost 15$. Please check ticket #4094


Hi, hdhieu!

We're looking into this right now, and I'll PM you once we get to the bottom of it!


I keep adding my payment info buts its not saving it username is BestGamerEver

Please check the e-mail account associated with your Wupload account - you will receive a confirmation e-mail which you will need to verify the changes to finalize!


willy plz check my account . When i add the payment . it says :

Plz help me . my username is

Hi, luffy!

You should have received an e-mail on the 29th of June from Wupload asking for you to confirm some information for us.

We did not receive a reply so your account is blocked. Please reply to that e-mail with the requested information.


Hi willy,

Iam a wupload member and offcourse new in uploading field i saw your promo and uploaded my files in whole june, i was thinkng that the promo bonus is auto process, i dont knw how to get my bonus, its my hard work willy, i clicked all request and send you an email but did not get any reply please give me my promo bonus,that almost 100$


hi, Yazdan!

If you sent me an e-mail - I will get to it and address your issue!

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