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wu2wu is awesome. i dont make much money so i cant buy servers and i have limited usage in my up/down bandwidth. Instead waiting a few minutes to remote from other site it is instant. But i agree to get rid of it in a couple months because i by then everyone will be using it and it will not be worth the time spreading links.
wu2wu is awesome. i dont make much money so i cant buy servers and i have limited usage in my up/down bandwidth. Instead waiting a few minutes to remote from other site it is instant. But i agree to get rid of it in a couple months because i by then everyone will be using it and it will not be worth the time spreading links.

In other words you're not an uploader just a leech.

Instead waiting a few minutes to remote from other site it is instant.
Leech, leech, leech. Remoting from other sites means you need a premium accounts on those two or three hosts. That costs $. THere are cheap servers out there, BUY IT. IF you can afford those premium accounts, you can afford to buy servers.

PLEASE REMOVE THE WUPLOAD TO WUPLOAD REMOTE UPLOAD. If not, give the original uploader 60% of what the leech got from the files.
404 OR RU down or When i upload from leech it doesnot shows in Myfiles :@ U NEED TO REPLY :| oR I TRY ANOTHER FILEHOST ?

Hey, Shahrukh!

Can you please PM me about this issue? Do you mean


I alternate between wupload and filesonic and the funny thing is my download counts are almost identical even though filesonic is alot bigger.

We're on the rise :)


Willy, where i see how many files i have in my account?

Other thing: what happen with the files into a removed folder? those files appears in the dmca tab?

Thanks buddy, great job (but very bad up speed ;) )

Hey, DarkAcid!

File count is something we could look into adding - something like "Space Used" & "File Count" would be good for affiliates, especially since the only statistics on space used show up for free users!

As for files in the "REMOVED" tab - yes, they are DMCA deleted files.

What method are you using for upload? What speeds?


In other words you're not an uploader just a leech.

Leech, leech, leech. Remoting from other sites means you need a premium accounts on those two or three hosts. That costs $. THere are cheap servers out there, BUY IT. IF you can afford those premium accounts, you can afford to buy servers.

PLEASE REMOVE THE WUPLOAD TO WUPLOAD REMOTE UPLOAD. If not, give the original uploader 60% of what the leech got from the files.

Hey, algon!

Thank you for your opinion on the matter.

However - just because you use bold and change your font colour and size, doesn't mean I'm going to give it more weight than the next person's opinion ;)

In other words you're not an uploader just a leech.

Leech, leech, leech. Remoting from other sites means you need a premium accounts on those two or three hosts. That costs $. THere are cheap servers out there, BUY IT. IF you can afford those premium accounts, you can afford to buy servers.

PLEASE REMOVE THE WUPLOAD TO WUPLOAD REMOTE UPLOAD. If not, give the original uploader 60% of what the leech got from the files.
I can see this is very sensitive subject for you but the internet is made up of leechers and few uploaders also nice guys and bad guys when that being said. thanks for all your hard work i probably never used one of links but if i did thanks again.

one question. Why spend money on server when you can instant remote then remote to mirror sites? get a new hustle if being to first with links is your hustle.

maybe add password? i heard that works for your problem.
I don't see what the problem with some users worrying about leechers and the WU remote upload problem. If you have the rep of being a quality and trustworthy uploader with your contents, the downloaders will always search and download/buy from your links.
Hey, algon!

Thank you for your opinion on the matter.

However - just because you use bold and change your font colour and size, doesn't mean I'm going to give it more weight than the next person's opinion ;)


Pros and Cons. . ?

I can see this is very sensitive subject for you but the internet is made up of leechers and few uploaders also nice guys and bad guys when that being said. thanks for all your hard work i probably never used one of links but if i did thanks again.

one question. Why spend money on server when you can instant remote then remote to mirror sites? get a new hustle if being to first with links is your hustle.

Because if everyone has your mentality none would upload. Maybe I should be the one waiting for your links?

maybe add password? i heard that works for your problem.

Maybe ask mommy to upgrade your internet?

But i agree to get rid of it in a couple months because i by then everyone will be using it and it will not be worth the time spreading links.

In other words, as long as you can profit from it, its cool. Leech.

Tell me Panasonic153, before wupload came to existence, how did you upload?
leech away my friend.

if you share copyright material then i shouldnt hear a complaint from you. its just karma.

disabling wu2wu just sets me back 5-10mins.
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take away wu to wu remote

or let the user choose which files can be remoted and which ones cant.

Or give the original Uploader a %.

That these leechers copy&paste the post and just 1-click "upload" doesnt sound so fair for the person that actually takes the time to do the whole work.

EDIT: Its not like the leechers are going to dissappear, just dont enforce this behavior.
yeah wu>wu is ok, it's part of the features of filehosting sites, I am also a pro wu>wu even my files are leeched also by other uploaders. WU>WU is ok.
Please stop WU > WU. It is not fair.
Or you can give original uploader 70% earning of that file, the leecher will have 30%.
Someone don't like to put password because they hope the downloaders can easy to extract file.
kendeptrai, if a leecher wants to leech
get files from wupload to 2ndhost and then wupload
and he earns %100 and you NOTHING.
Just put password to prevent leeching. there is no OTHER OPTIONS.
why not put a watermark to your files I put marks all my videos and photos to share on the web, so if someone steals my videos and photos and put on a forum I can demand to be removed from forums
or you do not produce your material and share copyrighted material
This is not good .but I really do not care if removed remote upload wu to wu
kendeptrai, if a leecher wants to leech
get files from wupload to 2ndhost and then wupload
and he earns %100 and you NOTHING.
Just put password to prevent leeching. there is no OTHER OPTIONS.

They can not leech WU > 2ndhost if they do not have WU premium account.

why not put a watermark to your files I put marks all my videos and photos to share on the web, so if someone steals my videos and photos and put on a forum I can demand to be removed from forums
or you do not produce your material and share copyrighted material
This is not good .but I really do not care if removed remote upload wu to wu

If you put watermark to your file, someone may be dislike because they want to download the clean files.

Other host as Fileserve, Freakshare, Bitshare, .. do not allow FS > FS or BS > BS, why WU allow this??
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