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thanks willy for payment now i can pay my gambling debts.My fingers are safe!!!!

That's good news, panasonic!

I'm sure it would be tough adjusting to typing with ones toes :))


ah come on fix ftp -.-

Oh, sorry! We were all too busy playing pong :))

Just kidding, zer(O). We are working on the FTP issue. I'm sorry for the frustration!

I do not understand one thing ...
Maybe you think you write 1,000 times "Please fix FTP", FTP would be fine?
Almost I am sure if the solution was to write: "Please fix FTP", Willy would surely ask you to write it 1000 times.
So far I have not met this kind of request by him?
I do not understand one thing ...
Maybe you think you write 1,000 times "Please fix FTP", FTP would be fine?
Almost I am sure if the solution was to write: "Please fix FTP", Willy would surely ask you to write it 1000 times.
So far I have not met this kind of request by him?

Then why offer this promos when they know they cannot handle the load?
What's the point in luring people to use their service if they cannot handle the massive use the are going to experience?
whats happen with ftp Willy?

probably overload servers..i think, so..when will you add new servers? to fix it?


man i only asking here because i can't try it, the only way is tranfer the files in sborg and after that remote them:
is RU working now?. To know if i will gonna try or not.
Thanks in advance for the first answer.
damn ftp, just get 50 servers, problem solved :)

:facepalm: Why didn't I think of that!

But in all seriousness, I apologize about the duration of the issues we've been dealing with.

We are working on implementing some solutions at the moment.


man i only asking here because i can't try it, the only way is tranfer the files in sborg and after that remote them:
is RU working now?. To know if i will gonna try or not.
Thanks in advance for the first answer.

Hey, ms7!

Remote upload is working, thought there are a few errors. If you receive one, just re-input the file and it should work ;)

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