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here is some detail from my side

- remote upload page give me error in morning time (india) now its working normaly
- status look bit slow for me
- file-manager working normal
- dont know why wupload and filesonic get same problem at same time
@Willy Wupload, can you lock a premium account on any IP so I wont need to login each time?

That may be possible if you have a fixed ip but will be highly vulnerable to hackers...

Anyway i doubt this can be done for only 1 user as it will take time and money to code this option in their scripts

Hey, m107!

We cannot do this, unfortunately, as viruz mentioned some potential downfalls.


what if I can provide a static ip?
Remote Upload does not work.Especially when the bulk remote upload error occurs.:(

This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting a server problem occurs, this problem prevents the display of the page.
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Thanks for the help, guys. I just wanted to make sure :)

By the way, just a suggestion, Willy please block Wu-Wu remote upload. Spammers are ruining it for legit uploaders. :facepalm:
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