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That's a retarded question. If you don't want to get laid, you seriously got some problems.

You need to have someone you love to grow old with and not die alone. So what you're asking is, Do you want to die alone?

Also, i have a feeling you made this thread because you obviously have no luck getting laid.
That's a retarded question. If you don't want to get laid, you seriously got some problems.

You need to have someone you love to grow old with and not die alone. So what you're asking is, Do you want to die alone?

Also, i have a feeling you made this thread because you obviously have no luck getting laid.

Retard question indeed. Looks like a pure nerd for me.
I thought he will mention in first post something like would u die as virgin when someone pays u 1 billion $, but he just ask if i want to die as virgin just like that!!! :SS:S:S: ::OI:O


Are u fkin nuts?
That's a retarded question. If you don't want to get laid, you seriously got some problems.

You need to have someone you love to grow old with and not die alone. So what you're asking is, Do you want to die alone?

Also, i have a feeling you made this thread because you obviously have no luck getting laid.

+1 This is a exactly a perfect example of my statement.
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