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Which plugin have you used for paging?

Use this plugin WP-PageNavi. All instructions of what needs to be done too are given on the site. I have installed this one and it works fine for me.
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.
I have 3.04 so this won't work for me :S

any other plugin?
Just updated and PageNavi still works well.

Try these steps, I hope it helps.
1. Deactivate and uninstall your whatever pagination plugin.
2. Deactivate YARPP if you have that plugin installed then Install "Clean Options" plugin, this plugin works like a registry cleaner in Windows... just follow the instruction carefully to clean the orphaned options.
4. Activate YARPP
5. Install and activate WP PageNavi.
At first thanks my friend to open the topic
I will answer the questions because I am the Responsible for the portal

Just updated and PageNavi still works well.

Try these steps, I hope it helps.
1. Deactivate and uninstall your whatever pagination plugin.
2. Deactivate YARPP if you have that plugin installed then Install "Clean Options" plugin, this plugin works like a registry cleaner in Windows... just follow the instruction carefully to clean the orphaned options.
4. Activate YARPP
5. Install and activate WP PageNavi.
at all we aren't using any PageNavi Plugin ::(
and we don't have the YARP plugin installed
Do I install it ?

Is your pagination code inside the loop or outside?
the pagination code is dynamic not static
as when new post created it change :)
and it's in the category template not in any loop
other thing
I got the main cause of problem
I use a theme that's name is reviewit
It have a good feature
It have a new thing that called review
it's like the posts , but not like it
the important
if you see the link above as yasser show it

it's the second page for the reviews not for the posts
how can we fix this ??

hope you understand the issue
as no one has understand me :/


pagination not working in widgets

Hello All,
I'm the owner of the website, thank you all for your cooperation, the problem has been resolved.

Here is the solution:

Open lib/admin/inc/theme-widgets.php and find both occurrences of:
if($pagination == "enable") {
        $review_paging = "'paged' => $paged";
        } else {}
Replace each with:
if($pagination == "enable") {
        $review_paging = $paged;
        } else {}
Now find both occurrences of:
And replace with:
'paged' => $review_paging,
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