For Hire WordPress Expert at Your Service

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Active Member

I have offered WordPress support around here for a while now, free and paid. Since I got numerous of people seeing my signature and PMing me asking for my services, I thought, why not make a thread? :)

What can I do for you?

1) Optimize your site's speed. ($20)
I have had previous clients here asking me to speed up their site and each and everyone one of them got exactly what they paid me for, up to 3 times faster site!

2) Customize your site to look/work just the way you want it. ($ Depends on the level of work)
I can pretty much make your blog look and work just the way you want it, I can do complete customizations from A to Z as well.

3) Fix any errors on the site. (Starting at $5)
Everyone runs into errors at some point, I can troubleshoot and fix them for you.

4) PSD to Wordpress or HTML/CSS. (Starting $50)
Responsive and valid HTML/CSS3. Please PM me for previous work if interested.

5) Complete website installation. ($10)
Ever wanted to start a website, but you don't know how? I will install, setup and do what ever you want till you have exactly what you always wanted, the only thing you will do is post.

6) Onsite SEO. (Starting $20)
Onsite SEO is important if you want to get an even higher traffic from search engines, I'll do a full analysis, edit, optimize your site for the keywords best for your niche and advice you on how to carry on from there.

7) Custom Wordpress tempaltes(Starting $100)
Make your website unique with a custom modern design to stand out from the rest, PM me for portfolion.

8) Need something else done? PM ME.
Anything else not included doesn't mean I don't provide it, just PM me with what you need and I'll reply back.


1) How long does it take to finish a job?
Depends on the job really, usually within 24-72 hours.

2) How can I hire you you?
PM me with the kind of work you need done, please be as specific as possible to avoid any troubles and misunderstanding.

3) Payment methods?
Currently PayPal, bank and Western Union.

4) Future updates?
I will provide you with continuance support if you ever had to update your theme/WordPress installation for 1 month. :)

5) When do I pay you?
I take half upfront to protect me from any scammers around, I'm well trusted here by many people and you got nothing to worry about.

6) Any discounts?
Sure thing, buy 2 packages and get $5-10 off. :)

Why hire me?

Why? simple. I can guarantee you that you will get exactly what you want for a cheap price, try me and you won't regret it, just look at the reviews down below. :).
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Hi RT. I need onsite SEO.

cannot Pm you

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