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HAPPY NEW YEAR @ClipWatching & all member WJ

Same question Why!?
just strategy...

he removed all country from tier 1 from where people have traffic and in this way he not have to was the time to do something like this because he just told us the traffic doubled...

but i still expect his answer and if this is the real rates and country deffinetly i stop...was to much when he removed usa from tier 1...but more...he steal our work and money


im still whaiting your answer....and please answer

and don't hide anymore...because how you have time to do this shit so i expect to have time to answer

when you increase rates...i receive 3 mail each time...on that day every 4h i receive email from you...

and now why you not send email whit this shit of rates???????????????????????

only when is time to attract people you send 3 email but now whit this shit of rates why you not send???????

i trust you i have moved everyting on your site and now you do this shit...and now again i need 1 month to move everyting on another site because you started to steal to much

i still whan to believe what you pay now it's a mistake

i expect your answer
hi, could you please bring back italy and spain to tier 1 if possible? if not no problem i hope you bring them back in the future, happy new year @ClipWatching
@ClipWatching, why is Italy in Plan B? Yesterday was in plan A.
Same question Why!?
Marketing is not good at the moment. Whenever it gets better, we offer a better rate again.
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just strategy...

he removed all country from tier 1 from where people have traffic and in this way he not have to was the time to do something like this because he just told us the traffic doubled...

but i still expect his answer and if this is the real rates and country deffinetly i stop...was to much when he removed usa from tier 1...but more...he steal our work and money


im still whaiting your answer....and please answer

and don't hide anymore...because how you have time to do this shit so i expect to have time to answer

when you increase rates...i receive 3 mail each time...on that day every 4h i receive email from you...

and now why you not send email whit this shit of rates???????????????????????

only when is time to attract people you send 3 email but now whit this shit of rates why you not send???????

i trust you i have moved everyting on your site and now you do this shit...and now again i need 1 month to move everyting on another site because you started to steal to much

i still whan to believe what you pay now it's a mistake

i expect your answer
Rest assured, you are more profitable than me
Rates are variable one day high and one day low. Do not be happy when it goes up and do not be sad when it goes down Because both are temporary!
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Marketing is not good at the moment. Whenever it gets better, we offer a better rate again.
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Rest assured, you are more profitable than me
Rates are variable one day high and one day low. Do not be happy when it goes up and do not be sad when it goes down Because both are temporary!

first of all Happy New Year

in this moment your rates are the lowest from industry...

and look here...even now whit what rates you show you steal our money

RL] so explain to me how the hell... insist to tell me about Canada and Australia
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how the hel for Canada i have for 5 views 0.0016

or fir Australia for 8 views i have 0.0056

how man?explain to me....from where the hell it's comming that 6 if both are on ties 2 whit 20$/10k views
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why do you not put the real rates?
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please add Brazil to A again
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i need your answer because it's to way to continue whit this rates because you not pay anyting it's over whit this rates

so look here

my stats for today until now

2020-12-31 22006 0 504 $21.00510

and look here from where is my traffic

just top country right?

Germany France United Kingdom USA Italy Spain

so you have removed everyting right?only Geramny are still on tier 1

if until now my earning was 1k views/1$

from tomowrow 1k views 0.5$ ?

i expect your answer and please answer me because i whan to know
My dashboard doesn't show country views. how do i see?
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i whan to start to say to be sure this is my last post on your thrend because i started to move my done whit you's to much...i really tried to believe in you and to support sending my traffic on your site because you steal to much right now...

you told us there was some gift Christmas days...and now you take back 10 times...

you are the only one in this moment ho not pay almost nothing for top country this is imposible to understand...

if i ask you to put here a proof where we can se you not receive anyting for usa traffic or you receive a small money for all others top country for you it's hard to do this because it's not true...all what you do now it's to steal our money.

i have asked you something about Canada and Australia...but of course it's hard to answer because you not have any answer for this because i catch you and i understand.

how many times do you think people wil still believe in you when you wil send 10 email during 24h whit great news we have increased our rates and bla bla bla...

you have put now in tier 1 country like Switzerland???ho the hell have views from there?

or United Arab Emirates ??seriously?


can you prove you earn more from all those country than usa or france or italy???

my traffic it's from top country and look here what you give me

2021-01-01 5973 0 192 $4.26390

but i insist to answer about Canada and Australia from my last post
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just explain to me this

for Canada from where are comming that 4

and Australia from where are comming that 8?

Canada 243 views and only 0.0784 ????
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