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wjc is dying sadly i think they just moved to a smaller server :(

[info=WJunction]WJunction is not dead, we were making amendments to our server along with scripts.[/info]
speed is unreal slow.. i wait sometimes 50 60 second before load... i hope they will fix this issue fast, this is not from today this is from long time ago.
There seems to be issue with i/o wait time. Too many read/write requests & that seems to slow down the server. Maybe the decision to convert to VB4 was wrong ?
The speed should be fast now.

It was the chat that was causing the issue, we will be reverting to the old chat until we optimize the new chat script.

Thank you.
No its certainly not dead by any means. But there certainly isnt as much activity here as there once was at all. Warez was sorta teh base of this forum in the beginning, and with the filehosts section there are a few hanging on still i can see, but the http warez scene is all but gone now completely. I do see alot of old faces here still now and then, i just only recently started coming back on here again. Like Ace just said its only as active as the members that do visit here are. If you arent going to contribute to the health of the forum of course things are gonna slow down.

@M .. what are teh chances of getting rid of the SHARETHIS thing to the left? I think the Like button, and G+ button at the top are lots for social networking buttons no? I dunno just my opinion anyway, im not a fan of the Sharethis/Addthis networking things myself is all
If you hover over it, you'll be able to hide it. The G+ and Facebook like button below the red navigation bar is for WJunction itself and not for threads.

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