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That's a lot of emails, maybe we'll offer those as rewards for members of the months or something like that.
Yes bro i do understand wat the others have said previously... I do have a site & have my email there. I Just suggested this... nothing wrong if I requested for an email too. :)
Should only be available for Senior Staff, because then we would have retards emailing companies and other websites with their @wjunction emails claiming to own and run the site.
Well if such emails offered to anyone

Respected/Staff or Member of the month (whomever they are)

People Should be notified about the emails which have been given out to whom to avoid problems which had been caused in wbb

Having those Emails would also give messenger access

It can go both ways a great step or a big mistake
there is no use, other than it being somewhat fancy.
and it is very unlikely that it is gonnabe used much.

overall I think it would be waste, and could cause big fuss between some people.
there will be the odd ones in every world :facepalm:
I want that, he has it...and other rubbish!
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