Why you should stop drinking bottled water

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I live near the mountians and I get my water most of the time from the spring/open tap in the ground.
Nothing like fresh mountain water and all its natural properties. People been doing it for years and still kicking around, so can't be that bad.
Bottled water, who knows what you get, but I can buy the same water I get from the spring/tap near me.
Bottled water is definitely better for you.

I've been drinking bottled water since I was about 8 years old. When I was a kid we used to have our own Water cooler in our house. Our water used to be delivered in 5 gallon jugs from (http://www.whitehousesprings.com/).

I have since - becoming an adult used my own water coolers with water from trusted sources, and have drank out of bottled water. I have never drank out of a faucet less than 100 times in the past 17 years...

There is a huge difference in quality. First off a lot of the pipes here were lead or copper based. Therefore you have a metallic taste with your water. Secondly, the water is re-filtered and mixed with your shit, it sits in chemicals for up to one year before reaching your mouth agian, but still. If you take a microscope to the water you can still find toilet paper particles (oh yea, it's true): http://hight3ch.com/toilet-paper-residue-in-tap-water/. Futhermore, a main chemical and component in the tap water is "Fluoride" if you read on the back of your toothpaste or any other product that contains "Fluoride" you are told to contact a poison control center immediately if ingested. Why? Because Fluoride is poisonous to our health. Yet there is large amounts of Fluoride in our water system.

Moving on. Estrogen. Estrogen is cause for concern for men, because it can cause mood swings, increase fatty areas and other side effects. When women menstruate, drop tampons, etc in the water, estrogen is released. Estrogen is very hard to clear out of the fresh water supply. Please see: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2011/11/14/estrogen-in-drinking-water-prostate-cancer_n_1093696.html

So therefore, I am worried for ANYONE who drinks out of the tap water. Simply because the water is filled with poisonous chemicals that are linked to CANCEROUS studies. When you hear of entire streets getting cancer, the first thing people say is "Must be something in the water". When you have areas of bad crime or health, one of the first things you hear people say "Must be something in the water". Sometimes you might hear "Must be something in the air".

However, there's a reason why the saying is "Must be something in the water", because there's stuff in there alright, more stuff than you or I want to know.

Oh and last but not least... Water isn't $0.01/bottle anymore here in America. Water prices are on the rize far more than anyone knows and it's going to rise dramatically soon regardless of what source of water you choose to use.

Good luck, stay healthy, drink fresh.


I know whole streets of people who have died from bad drinking water. My grandfather was one of those people. http://www.clevescene.com/cleveland/cancer-in-paradise/Content?oid=1491100

On the flip side of that.... I don't know a single person who has died from drinking bottled water or water from a fresh spring?

are you selling bottled water? :cough:
The things you should know,before you write stupid things.
1.not all countries have poisoned water like yours
2.why you should pay for something which is natural? - because you live in a f.cking profit orientated countrie,where the profit is first and secondary all others...(few more years of poisoning the planet and the next is bottled air)
3.as i know you're way of thinking,you will never understand why i say that..
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You have to eat chinese plastic and bottled water ,and need to buy bottled air daily.

Bottled air is better than the free air,because no one died from the bottled air.On the other side free air is more dangerous,because it is poisoned.but why it is poisoned?this is the question....
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are you selling bottled water? :cough:
The things you should know,before you write stupid things.
1.not all countries have poisoned water like yours
2.why you should pay for something which is natural? - because you live in a f.cking profit orientated countrie,where the profit is first and secondary all others...(few more years of poisoning the planet and the next is bottled air)
3.as i know you're way of thinking,you will never understand why i say that..
A little agressive, right? Your wife declined sex today or something?

This is meant to be a discussion of thoughts and information. Nothing said here is stupid its a matter of opinion.

Translation into nice words: "my country doesn't fluoridate our water supply, so I drink tap water", "I believe natural resources should be free".

Is that so difficult for you?
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