Why we expect more traffic from only Google?

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Why we expect more traffic from only Google?

What about other search engines and I believe most of the people or websites expect more traffic from only Google. Why? Still I don't know the reason behind it.
biggest search engine was & as long as this freaking web alive.. will be. simply put they run the show.... fb on the other hand is something else you have work on fb page to get traffic & for google you have to work on your website. :)
Just because google is spam free. People use google more than facebook. Almost everyone has set their homepages to google.
So, the Google has the max. internet traffic, which means, more visits to your site via. searches.
It is no secret that Google is far and away the most successful search engine in the world. In fact it dominates its industry like few other companies can. This raises the question of just why are Google so successful?
Google ranks the top among all search engines and hence it has more traffic compared to others. This is why people expect more traffic from Google as compared to other search engines.
more than 90 % use google as their search engine, so the webmasters can catch those searches, if they are loyal to google.

[Just used the word loyal, optimizing our websites for google will get more searches from google ]
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