Why do you hate the iphone so much ?

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I've got an iPhone 4 and i <3 it ;). I can pretty much do what i like on it even with jailbreaking :D which for me is a must :| >.>

FTP on the go pro


Ahh nice :D (downloading..) thx :)
I really like the way you can make calls via data instead of gsm/cdma with apps such as viber and another good one is Heytell its saving me alot of money
I have no problem with iPhone, cause I never owned one before, actually I wonder why people hate the iPhone? is it because of lags ? I have a windows mobile and it does lag a lot, of course with some other issues too. I do feel like smashing it sometimes! :|
In my opinion, not all communicating devices are perfect with no issues! Plus nearly everything is made in China, man.. China made really SUCK!!!
Anyways, I have an iPod nano, and I love it! :D
Because it's an Apple product. They are as jealous, greedy, close-guarded and closed-source minded as you can possibly get.

In this day and age, it's sad that a company that stifles so innovation through it's overly strict regulations and policies, is one of the only ones innovating new products.

Google is the perfect example of everything Apple isnt. they are as open as you can get and invest so much in the community around them it's beautiful to see. Google is just one example, many internet startup company's are wonderfully run.
jailbreaking it took me like 15 minutes it's as easy as shit, wtf is wrong with the guy who said it's hard.

If you are into warez and into computers you are a retarded person if you don't see how easy it is to jailbreak your idevice.
True. The Cydia market can kind of be annoying to navigate/use though.

That's because it's just a webpage.

Anyway, you can go to forums online and download the .deb files and add it to cydia autoinstall and once you respring your phone, the app would be installed. That's what I always do :D
i love how much the community is more active here than on any other place.
i made the same topic on wbb and there were only two replies that were worth reading everything else was spam.

thank you all for the input.
I own a iPhone 3g, pretty decent phone. Only thing I dislike about the phone is the OS. The buttons on the home screen isn't as cool as the Windows 7 Mobile OS in my opinion.
iPhone is a great smartphone, without any doubt. The only problem is that it is a bit overpriced and that android is more and more growing.

Apple Products are, even if they're a bit expensive, the cutest products on earth. *__*
I find it strange how Android has such a large market share, yet whenever I am on the train or walking around I mainly see people on iPhones, not Androids (If they're using a smartphone this is). Occasionally yeah, but it seems the majority are using iPhones... Majority of my friends who have smart phones, are iPhones. I only know one person with an Android device.

Maybe I just don't look hard enough, or notice iPhones a lot easier :P
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