Which Porn Forums are best to post

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If its forums that submit to katz your looking for its not too many around. Atleast that have a rank 4 or 5 and only have adult content! Most are blogs or warez that submit from there adult section. You should prolly check out here first: http://www.katzporn.com/ and if I was you I would do that for a few days before I jumped on any of them because that would give you a better overview.

Good luck on whatever forum you choose...

Btw...your ofcourse always warm welcome to join: http://www.snowfortress.net/ ;)

hey i know about that I also have a website rated 4* at katz.. but i want some popular forums which have their direct visitors like warez-bb have a lot of good traffic.. like katz.cd have it's own traffic.. i want some forums which have their own traffic.. not affiliated
pornW doesnt have good traffic, at least, people may just upload there but no many dl .

For porndl just lol, it has less than 100 users online, thats just insignificant for a forum.
Porn-W and PornBB are about the same, traffic-wise. I post there regularly, and PornBB adds 5 view counts for each actual view to look like more while Porn-W does not.
Pornbb banned me for posting to much :s
anyone know how i still can post?
tried to make a new account but it doesn't work, Ip ban i think.
anyone know how to get around it?
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