Where the heck it looks a cheat?

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why should i ddos while this problem is here, to prove that site is not working properly and that will go to my benefit ? come on use your brain

Loget i request a ban, cant wait 2 days
i hope loget will ban us both in 2 days as this will not get solved
even the facts:

you sold me a site, even you was not able to restore it right? so i asked for refund and you said no= you scammed me

so easy, so please dont talk

champ of champs: how can i prove it? post the backup here?

i posted paypal screenshot, he asked admin to delte, and so admin dit it:)
elitepirate my problem is not solved mate, he stole my money, and look mafiaw.com is it opening? he now ddos my site too:) i have 99% uptime and now after this thread:)

funny world

also he let the admins close my thread, and ban me on chatbox, this is not fair mate he got my money sended me corrupted files

Mate if u have any proof so please add that or try to give them to staff

I dont think that Mraza can scam anyone here bcoz I feel that He is trusted one :)
Site is working fine.



Proof of DDoS? Even i could do that B-)
the fact is he didnt helped me to fix the db, so he scammed me, he got my money

my host helped me

this made me really sick, please mraza put my 110$ in your ass oke? you full of shit monkey:)
i will give the website + files + db for free here at wj as this is not get solved

i have been scammed, and admins only help mraza, he ask to delte my posts in chatbox so they do, he ask to close my thread, so they do:) not nice
ok wman your host helped you, and mRAza didnt. now whats the whole point of this? you got the site somewhat and he got the money. so now why don't you communicate with him and fix any errors u have and go on and spend your time developing this forum?
Get out little cheater.
You want your money back why he "didn't helped" you? He sold him his site not his time.
Everything is working, we are able to access the site, stop bitching with mRAza.
..... there are even now a lot of errors in the site, check it yourself http://www.mafiaw.com/ Users active in the past 24 hours: 143 (142 members and 1 guests)

1 guest online whole day? there are now 20 people online. no you made some kids friends here fukcing here for you because you asked,....

I think you will find the server date/time set wrong, not a SQL error :)
oh really , why it took you so many days to make a paragraph like this i sent u this thread link a while ago, i did not had proper db so gave u cpanel details u kid so you can get your db from a working site, you noob kids are such headaches these days, people can see who is stupid here, now stop bitching and gtfo ... got it?

i blocked u, u sended a offline message, and u ask this question twice now and i answered it:)
Why don't kids fucking understand what a legit scam is and isn't. wman...just shut the fuck up and take my help if you're too noobish to even import a DB with back-up. It isn't that hard but importing a large DB by hand (how I do it) takes a few hours. Maybe a few minutes if I'm lucky.

You're still trying to fight this pointless argument over who scammed who. Just shut the fuck up, grow up, and accept help from someone else. mRAza isn't a scammer. He's annoyed of you and so is 99% of the people on this site.

Like someone in the shoutbox said...if you don't accept my help with your site to import database, then you're the one trying to scam out mRAza to get his site for free.
DXS i am not asking the money for myself, i say at least send it to someone here on wj which can send to poot people, i dont want this scammer have my money, then i will send his site back, but he is ignoring me and saying fuck off

my hoster already fixed it for me, so thnx for ur help

but he didnt helped me, 10 days ago, he said your host is fucked up, i wont refund you
DXS i am not asking the money for myself, i say at least send it to someone here on wj which can send to poot people, i dont want this scammer have my money, then i will send his site back, but he is ignoring me and saying fuck off

my hoster already fixed it for me, so thnx for ur help

but he didnt helped me, 10 days ago, he said your host is fucked up, i wont refund you
stop calling me scammer people can see the fact now, you have everything working and you was upto scam, Loget where are you now?
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