where should newbie start sharing files

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Active Member
Hello members,
I am new to file uploading for earning.
I was working on some sites for my friends where i am used to upload just for free.
Recently i have bought a new domain (grabmovies.org)and want to know where to start sharing files.
I found katz.cd
bust seems like it will take big sites.
Any suggestions where should i start?

I can upload 5 movies a day minimum.So can anyone tell me from where should i start?
First of hello.
What i don't understand is that if yu are saying you are new to uploading & earning then why would you not understand where to start?
You say you have worked on some sites where you used to upload for free yes?
Anyways enough of that, what are you running your site with, ipb, vb, wordpress or what ?
I would suggest not starting using katz, only reason i say this is you want to try and get organi traffic not refferal traffic and katz will not help you do this as it will be refferal traffic.
I reccomend getting your site up and running, getting a good bit of content on it and then submit to katz.
Katz does not only take big sites, sites on katz that are 5* have worked for that and over time im sure you can do the same as them and everyone else.
You can submit to katz but you will start off as a 1* then ever month you will work your way up towards 5*.

If you have any other questions then please feel free to ask them, im sure people on WJ would be glad to help out.
thanks MG4
i definately reccomend going for the Organic method first and getting listed on google and getting backlinks, sort the SEO out and then when you have a good forum / blog or whatever your running then submit to katz so that your are always going to be higher in organic traffic.

I made the mistake of starting a site about 6 months ago, running it for a month with katz then just closing it down because i knew i couldnt get more organic straight away, what i am trying to say is that i wish i had started off without katz, got proper SEO, a good number of backlinks, get stuff indexed on google and then submit to katz
First of hello.
What i don't understand is that if yu are saying you are new to uploading & earning then why would you not understand where to start?
You say you have worked on some sites where you used to upload for free yes?
Anyways enough of that, what are you running your site with, ipb, vb, wordpress or what ?
I would suggest not starting using katz, only reason i say this is you want to try and get organi traffic not refferal traffic and katz will not help you do this as it will be refferal traffic.
I reccomend getting your site up and running, getting a good bit of content on it and then submit to katz.
Katz does not only take big sites, sites on katz that are 5* have worked for that and over time im sure you can do the same as them and everyone else.
You can submit to katz but you will start off as a 1* then ever month you will work your way up towards 5*.

If you have any other questions then please feel free to ask them, im sure people on WJ would be glad to help out.

First of all thanks you for such a great reply.
well i am working for sites where we offer the content for free from filehosting like mediafire,jumbofiles and ifileit or similar site.example=www.ravho.com
So you can see there is no earning.We are working just for fun on these site.
Now i want to start a site where i will be offering links from sites like hotfile,fileserve.
I think i should go with your advise and start to build some good site.
thanks once again.:)
First of hello.
What i don't understand is that if yu are saying you are new to uploading & earning then why would you not understand where to start?
You say you have worked on some sites where you used to upload for free yes?
Anyways enough of that, what are you running your site with, ipb, vb, wordpress or what ?
I would suggest not starting using katz, only reason i say this is you want to try and get organi traffic not refferal traffic and katz will not help you do this as it will be refferal traffic.
I reccomend getting your site up and running, getting a good bit of content on it and then submit to katz.
Katz does not only take big sites, sites on katz that are 5* have worked for that and over time im sure you can do the same as them and everyone else.
You can submit to katz but you will start off as a 1* then ever month you will work your way up towards 5*.

If you have any other questions then please feel free to ask them, im sure people on WJ would be glad to help out.

Wow couldn't have said it better!!
Bro that helps me out as well since I was just about to build a site haha

Anyways follow _brazzO he can help you. Also its always good to post on W-BB and other big forums for some extra downloads :)
Oh, i get you now..
Yeah if you are wanting to get into the Fileserve, Hotfile, Megaupload, Rapidshare etc then i definately would say go with my method.
Study a little bit about SEO also.
Plan first and don't rush the site, i rushed mine at first and then closed it, now i have opened it i am only getting about 400 organic traffic and the rest is about 1000+ katz traffic and i regret it.
What do you normally work in, vbulletin, ipb or wordpress or another ?
Do you have methods of uploading or will you be using your home network?

and yeah no problem, were here to help each other out i guess and its not exactly taking me long to guide you, just a few words lol
Oh, i get you now..
Yeah if you are wanting to get into the Fileserve, Hotfile, Megaupload, Rapidshare etc then i definately would say go with my method.
Study a little bit about SEO also.
Plan first and don't rush the site, i rushed mine at first and then closed it, now i have opened it i am only getting about 400 organic traffic and the rest is about 1000+ katz traffic and i regret it.
What do you normally work in, vbulletin, ipb or wordpress or another ?
Do you have methods of uploading or will you be using your home network?

and yeah no problem, were here to help each other out i guess and its not exactly taking me long to guide you, just a few words lol

I am working with wordpress mainly.I know vbulletin and other boards but there is a always problem of staff to manage board and spam.So i am with wordpress.
Regarding the uploading method.I have both a RDP and my home network.Both are good.You can see my uploads at ravho.com
What problem i have is my site is in initial phase so i am afraid that the links will get deleted till it get some good traffic.So asked is there anyway to keep the links alive by getting some traffic from other sites like katz or so.
Also submitting the content to the DLE script sites does work or not.
I was trying to submit warezforum but i have noticed that after each submission my files get deleted by host within 10 minutes.May be those host companies are keeping an watch on that forum.
Or should i join some forum where they submit links to katz or similar sites as uploader so it will bring some traffic to me too.
I'll write you a full guide on what i reccomend you should do.

For your hosting i would reccomend that you start off with a small package as you will not need the space / bandwidth if you are just starting out with your website. A hosting package no more than $10 would definately be more than enough for your site and when needed you can always upgrade.

What script to run your website with:
First off what you have to decide is are you going to start a community or a personal blog? I personally like to use Wordpress, this is because i like to have full control of my website and not let people sign up & spam or add topics with virus's etc.

Always try to get a theme that no one else is using on a big website, it never looks good when you have other people telling you that you are trying to copy another website, ofcourse you can always get one custom made for you or if you dont have the money you can just get a theme and then customise it yourself like alot of people.

Take your time:
Always remember that you are in no rush !!
Take your time with your site, make sure it is going to be what you want it to be like and dont start publishing posts until you are satisfied with the way it looks.

Search Engine Optimization is definately something i can't help you much with. I am not very good at this part, what i d know is that you will want to try and get as much backlinks and adspots on as many high PR forums as possible. This will ensure that you are getting people coming from other sites with alot of visitors and will hopefully thats to bring them back each time when you are posting new content. Make sure you have it perfect or as close as you can to it before you start to publish, i made this mistake and regret it.

Where to get your warez from:
I would reccomend to start off with places such as RlsLog & OneDDL
These are two of the best sites in my opinion, apart from private trackers ofcourse. Make sure you have not got any other sites information inside the RAR files when you re upload as it will just promoote other sites to the one you have downloaded from.
Obviously dont just keep taking the content from they site as it will just basically be a rip verion of them, try and go to other sites or look on katz and see what people have not submitted much of then publish that.

Files being deleted:
Sorry but i am not sure about this one, no one can be certain what will be deleted.
Try changing the MD%'s of the files and also the names of the file inside the rar and the rar filename itself.
Something completely different to what you are actually posting as new things will always get deleted, it is simple to see what files are on a server because they can just do a serach and then if you have a certain thing in your filename it will come and and be deleted along with a whole bunch of other links

I aint really sure if this will help you but hopfully yu get a little advice rom it, i know people will probably say im wrong on most bits but it is my opinion and everyone is entitled to there own.

Good luck with your site anyways, hope to see it grow later on in the many months.
I'll write you a full guide on what i reccomend you should do.

For your hosting i would reccomend that you start off with a small package as you will not need the space / bandwidth if you are just starting out with your website. A hosting package no more than $10 would definately be more than enough for your site and when needed you can always upgrade.

What script to run your website with:
First off what you have to decide is are you going to start a community or a personal blog? I personally like to use Wordpress, this is because i like to have full control of my website and not let people sign up & spam or add topics with virus's etc.

Always try to get a theme that no one else is using on a big website, it never looks good when you have other people telling you that you are trying to copy another website, ofcourse you can always get one custom made for you or if you dont have the money you can just get a theme and then customise it yourself like alot of people.

Take your time:
Always remember that you are in no rush !!
Take your time with your site, make sure it is going to be what you want it to be like and dont start publishing posts until you are satisfied with the way it looks.

Search Engine Optimization is definately something i can't help you much with. I am not very good at this part, what i d know is that you will want to try and get as much backlinks and adspots on as many high PR forums as possible. This will ensure that you are getting people coming from other sites with alot of visitors and will hopefully thats to bring them back each time when you are posting new content. Make sure you have it perfect or as close as you can to it before you start to publish, i made this mistake and regret it.

Where to get your warez from:
I would reccomend to start off with places such as RlsLog & OneDDL
These are two of the best sites in my opinion, apart from private trackers ofcourse. Make sure you have not got any other sites information inside the RAR files when you re upload as it will just promoote other sites to the one you have downloaded from.
Obviously dont just keep taking the content from they site as it will just basically be a rip verion of them, try and go to other sites or look on katz and see what people have not submitted much of then publish that.

Files being deleted:
Sorry but i am not sure about this one, no one can be certain what will be deleted.
Try changing the MD%'s of the files and also the names of the file inside the rar and the rar filename itself.
Something completely different to what you are actually posting as new things will always get deleted, it is simple to see what files are on a server because they can just do a serach and then if you have a certain thing in your filename it will come and and be deleted along with a whole bunch of other links

I aint really sure if this will help you but hopfully yu get a little advice rom it, i know people will probably say im wrong on most bits but it is my opinion and everyone is entitled to there own.

Good luck with your site anyways, hope to see it grow later on in the many months.

Such an nice article.
thank you for it.
I will definately follow your advice.
One question i have now,i know its common but since you helped me so much i can ask you this one.
Which hosting would you suggest for me?
I have asked and worked around already tried with some hostings but none came to expectation.
I just want a fast and best uptime hosting.
I have tried 3 hostings in last 2 months just to test uptime and my bad luck either they are slow or always get a server load more than they can handle.Site goes up and down always.
To be honest i dont know what hosting would be good for you.
I have had hosting problems myself a few times, so far i have tried about 4 or 5 and they all went down after roughly a month, you'll have to figure that one out on your own
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