what's the best offshore reseller company? - Through True Experience Please

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Hello there;
I'm looking for a good reseller web hosting in either
Netherlands or Germany
I'll tell you something
I used bytehost.com (US) paid for 4 months (sucks)
I used servage.net (DE) for 13 months (very good, only have an issue with MySQL)
I used Santrex.net (FR) for 1 month (sucks, totally stay away from it)
I used Santrex.net (NL) for 1 month (sucks, I was so stupid to think that their NL server will be better than the french!)
I'm currently with host1plus.com (NL) for the 3rd month, They are fine to me, but they don't have reseller plans!

I'm googling and searching for over a week
some people recommended http://www.wrzhost.com/ and some others said that it's bad!
another people recommended http://altushost.com/ and also some people said that they are also bad!
and finally I found http://www.scorpiohost.com/
their plans suites me perfectly! but I only found one review about them and it was good
so, I need someone with experience in this, and have already used the company he's recommending please

I want strong, fast, and most important thing is the up time 99.9%!
I need a reseller account, if Alpha or master will be better!
PLEASE: if anybody know has experience about http://www.scorpiohost.com/ please let me know if they are good or not, coz I'm really interested their plans
I don't care if it's expensive or not, I don't want cheap but pain in the a$$ host.
If it's expensive, but deserves the money, it's OK for me!
can't wait to hear your suggestions
@fokakmeny i havent added the reseller plans, as i dont want to have my server overloaded. Its for the advantage to my clients.

You are welcome.
I've been using http://www.itexpertsltd.com/
In past 2 months ive only had 1 Hour of downtime
their speeds are very good and so are their prices
support is always to be found either on live chat
or you can add them on MSN/Y!M

i would recommend them anyday :)
I have used Wrzhost shared and VPS. They were topnotch

I use Scorpiohost for the site in my sig. They have been awesome so far
I tried wrzhost HK vps, they sucks big time, but they are kind to refund as they have a refund system within the first 7 days

I still looking for a hosting, thought about wrzhost NL vps, but I don't want to test anymore, I will go for a dedi

scopiohost was good when I hosted with them, but they had some dns problems and downtimes, not too many, like 3-4 times, and I got pissed of and stopped using them, but to be honest, it was the best experience while fub was online

warez hosting isn't easy anymore
I m using Scorpiohost.com since last 8 month Still didnot get any downtime and no problem Owner of Scorpiohost is very nice person so I refer u that use --> www.scorpiohost.com :)

Thanks Champ
sorry, but I checked your sites from your signature and you are really hosted at scorpio
thanks for your review, another WJ member told me that the owner is very friendly, and that's something very COOL!
thanks again Champ for you suggestion

I've been using http://www.itexpertsltd.com/
In past 2 months ive only had 1 Hour of downtime
their speeds are very good and so are their prices
support is always to be found either on live chat
or you can add them on MSN/Y!M

i would recommend them anyday :)

obviously you didn't read the topic title
what's the best offshore reseller company? - Through True Experience Please
that company doesn't have reseller plans!
but thanks anyway :)

You can view our hosting plans located in the link provided below, I'm sure many people here can vouch we offer good services and have been around for many years now compared to alot of companies on this forum.

Reseller plan link:

I have used Wrzhost shared and VPS. They were topnotch
I use Scorpiohost for the site in my sig. They have been awesome so far

Thanks Storming and JJJ for the review and the offer!
as I said wrzhost.com is also in my mind, I'm checking on you guys, some people say your are good, some not but I believe you are respected!
I'm keeping you in mind too
Thanks guys

I tried wrzhost HK vps, they sucks big time, but they are kind to refund as they have a refund system within the first 7 days

I still looking for a hosting, thought about wrzhost NL vps, but I don't want to test anymore, I will go for a dedi

scopiohost was good when I hosted with them, but they had some dns problems and downtimes, not too many, like 3-4 times, and I got pissed of and stopped using them, but to be honest, it was the best experience while fub was online

warez hosting isn't easy anymore

Thanks alot TheTorrentSeller for the review
you helped me alot, thanks again man :)
and thanks to all who replied
hope if anybody else have any experience who wanna share with us!
hazma....you cannot claim to be the best. You're new and unknown. You have yet to have the client demand to face what it takes to host many sites, solve problems and deal with people

Stop writing in caps
hazma....you cannot claim to be the best. You're new and unknown. You have yet to have the client demand to face what it takes to host many sites, solve problems and deal with people

Stop writing in caps

We Of
fer Best And CHeapest Reseller And Master Reseller Plans
you still very new hamza
good luck inshallah!
your site is still 2M in alexa! and hosting USA, I want offshore my friend!
hope you are making better design work!
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