What type of skills do you think a true webmaster should have?

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What type of skills do you think a true webmaster should have?​

So, in your own opinion what type of skills do you think a true webmaster should have?

Should they know basic of programming languages? Should they know how to be patient? Should they be dedicated? Should they know how to use Photoshop etc for basis photo editing?

What type of skills do you think a true webmaster should have?

Thank you.
I think they should know about everything related to webmastering. Including HTML, a bit PHP, a bit server management, community building, a little bit of Photoshop or advanced Paint skills.
first this comes up in my mind " how to mastrubat properly with left hand" but a true webmaster should know the basic of programming & must know normal use of photoshop, so you dont have to depend on someone else,
a bit of server management & yeah most importantly a vision & $$$
In my view when i think word webmaster what i can see is that "He should be hard working" and continually seek for word success and profit all the time.

skills can be any technical stuffs from programming or management of errors and issues :)
A webmaster needs a number of skills but it depends on the site they are running. If they are running a forum such as this then it's more about patients, people skills as well as a good knowledge to the content of the site. A car forum admin needs to know a decent amount about cars for example. However if it's a ecommerce site then understanding data, sales, presentation, navigation, marketing, stock etc. are a lot more important. All the above are things that people can have naturally.

The other side to a webmaster is the technical aspect such as maintaining the site uptime, backups, server management, code edits etc. These are things that are learned. Nobody is born with server knowledge as it's something you learn but people are born who are natural sales people or extremely patient which are harder to learn.

The technical aspects I don't believe are as important as most can be purchased. Sure it's cheaper if you can manage the server yourself, know how to use Photoshop or add a Facebook Like button but it's not essential. Running the site in an appropriate and successful way is far more important and these skills are far harder to learn.
2. PHP
3. SEO
4. server management
5. graphic designing
6. specific knowledge about subject he's making his site about
7. knowledge about affiliate programs/monetizing site
8. patience
A true webmaster , as the name suggests is supposed to be a MASTER of all the web practices. A webmaster posses all the following qualities.

  • First of all, he should be a master of keywording. He must know what to search in Google and how to search it. This seems simple and not important but it actually not. Most of the people just type their desired strings in google but only few of them use proper combinations which are taught by Google itself. Not just google, he should be well versed with most of the search engines. This will also help him to optimize his website for the search engines.

  • Secondly, he should know basic web languages like HTML5, CSS3, JS, PHP, MYSQL(He should also be well versed with the latest versions of these languages, their bugs, advancements of these languages. This helps him to decide which language to chose while starting a project from the scratch.Also, he should always try to learn more and go deeper in the web programming.

  • He should also be proficient in basic image editing so that he doesn't have to hire someone just to change some background of any image.

  • Also, He should be honest, dedicated to his work. He should be patient regarding the results of the website, shouldn't adopt malpractices which are prevailing here in the intra-webs. Most importantly, he must have a vision and a target related to his work. Be it money or anything. There should be a set of principles with him. ALWAYS.
  • He must be able to tell the difference between a real and fake/scamming link/service/website EASILY.

  • It is very important that he reads tech blogs, journals on daily basis so that he is updated on latest trends/inventions on daily basis and has the latest technique and methods in hand for ANY OF HIS TOPICS (SEO/Designing/coding/services etc.)

  • Lastly, I would like to say that mastering the intrawebs is not a 1-2-3 game anymore. Its a highly diversified business now. You need to be a master of your own niche. You need to be constantly updated and have to have the best skills you need for your niche to succeed. If you are a designer you need to know all the latest trends, practices, design theories, knowledge of copyright and only then you will be a true webmaster.
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In my opinion:
Server management (also should be aware of popular control panels)
How to run a website
Graphic designing
How to make a website
Affiliates/Markets etc
Understanding and have a strong intention to learn using various search engines, forums, friends etc
Keep your knowledge up to date with the changes over the web
Be hardworking, patient, self-confident and self motivated
Have quality content and be dedicated towards it
Be helpful and friendly towards everyone
Should be respectful towards others!
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To add to your post Q, they'd (I will state the obvious) need to manage their time in a sufficient way and plan everything accordingly. They should also have knowledge of SQL along with those that you listed Q. KickAss, keep the childish jokes out of this thread. Also being a true webmaster doesn't necessarily mean it's all about the $$$. I don't understand why most of you seem to think that being a webmaster means making money, there are webmasters out there (and even on WJunction) that have websites that could be making shed loads of money but all they do is generate revenue to cover server costs, nothing more, nothing less.

Not everyone would know how to do "everything", there are certain things that certain people can do and cannot do. For example, there maybe a person that is great at optimizing servers and ensuring the server is in standing order - but on the other side as you said Mr Happy - he or she would be maintaining and running the website. Knowing the basics of the technical side, in my opinion is essential. As you can't rely on paid services all the time, to do each and everything for you.

Respect, now that's a good one Sahil. Although you may be competitors with a site etc, you should always respect your competitors as they would respect you. This also applies to community based sites, respect members and they'll respect you. It's not a one way road - you don't get respect without giving it.
Webmasters need to know a bit of SEO,basic knowledge of stuff and must be dedicated to his work.
There are no shortcuts to success.
its not necessary that a webmaster should know php etc, cms like wordpress and joomla need next to no programming language,
But if you are dedicated to your work, and have patience and hard work, a bit of SEO will be enough for a success of any website.

Webmasters need-
1. Little bit SEO knowledge (link building and keyword targeting is enough).
2. Some basic programming knowledge, not necessary, but would help.
3. Hard work,dedication. Websites often needs several months to become noticeable in SEs.
4. Good hosting with good uptime and fast response.
5. Always remember that content is the king.

Dont need-
1. Extensive programming knowledge. wordpress and other opensource scripts are very easy to use.
2. Dont need to spend money on SEO campaigns,although it can be helpful,but not necessary.
3. Photoshop or graphic editing skills are not required at all. I myself am too bad in GFX. You can always pay someone to do a design, here at WJ many people would do a graphic even for free.
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Well , to be an webmaster , one must be familiar with HTML coding and scripting and languages such as Javascript, PHP, and Perl. In addition to publishing and managing a website’s content, a webmaster typically has a broad range of responsibilities related to the website’s overall functionality, and needs to employ both technical and communication skills to ensure a smooth end-user experience. While many webmasters have degrees in computer science or design, college credentials are not necessarily required to become a webmaster. Some aspiring webmasters take classes in C programming or obtain a certificate in computer programming in order to become a webmaster. Meanwhile, others combine a natural aptitude for computers with on-the-job training and other types of informal education in order to interpret how a website functions. In addition to a having broad overview of a website’s components, a person needs to know how to perform specific core functions of the webmaster’s role in order to become a webmaster. These functions include publishing and managing web content, maintaining the website’s server, fixing broken links and other errors on the website, responding to functionality-related queries from the website’s users, moderating chat rooms, message boards and other forums that allow users to contribute content to the website, maintaining e-commerce functionality, and structuring the website’s navigation.
in my opinion, it is not a must to have all skills !

money is a solution in everything ! , u can hire someone to do what u want !!

but , unfortunately , i'm one of those who have not enough money :D

when i was running my first forum, i don't know anything about seo,html,css,photoshop, managing, installing scripts, using shared host . i didn't know anything of these :D

i tried to help my self by using google and reading tutorials

i have learned some basic in html and have managed to customize my forum, playing arround css, do some basic seo, design noob banners for my site, and managed to get some traffic and earn good money from adsense !!!!

also when i used wordpress, i have not known anything about it

and managed to customize my theme , play with css codes, design logo, favicon and banner
also i managed to get money , although money was not my goal ! my site was just for fun and sharing games via free links.

in brief, the true webmaster is not who has many and many skills, or who has to learn everything to run a site, but he's who can run his site with available possibilities and learn about what his site needs to, so he can use what he has learnt to serve his site needs !
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Understanding of HTML, a bit of PHP, CSS, SEO, Graphics, Understanding your niche/market... :)
But beyond that a webmaster need to do is master relations with his/her site's visitors. :O
There are those cheap sites with lots of attractive images(especially the "lose fat in 10 days, Get Rich Quick" :sohot:) and videos and on other hand is Google - simple website with just a logo and a search field in between and yet it receives millions of visitors on a daily basis. Its because people trust Google. <3

It's not only about looks but also about building, trust, faith and relationship with your visitors(and customers if a retail website) :friends:. Which unfortunately lacks and that is the reason why most of the websites don't survive :(. No wonder sites like Google and facebook spends millions on PR and maintain their image. :handshake:

Then there's also the knowledge about understanding what people really want(no one thinks about opening a search engine any more), analysing the market, understand in the gaps and exploiting it. There are millions of people with knowledge of SEO, php, HTML, CSS but most of them fail, they fail because they fail to understand all this. [hmmm]

Then there's everyone favourite, providing content. Many say php and SEO are a must. But well...even a wordpress site with proper, relevant and to the point content can do much better than a website running on custom coded blog script. Such websites don't need any SEO, word of mouth is all they need. :dan:

However an advanced/expert webmaster of course also needs to know several languages(coding), SEO techniques, running/operating a server, troubleshooting downtimes, etc.. but I would like to stress again that the most important skill a webmaster needs is building trust. (y)
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He himself should be able to look after all the key aspects of his website which mainly includes Website Design, Website Programming & Management and most importantly, Website Marketing.

Website Design: It includes the design or layout of the website. It needs to be clean, elegant, modern and most importantly user friendly. He should have basic knowledge of design & should be able to do all small tasks himself. But yeah, need to move on with time & trend. cant afford to have a 90's design in today's date.

Website Programming & Management: It includes the coding of website (how it works) also managing it in a right way, moreover in the best possible way, like a boss, like a webmaster. :psy:

Website Marketing:- Should know how to advertise & spread his site smartly. I mean. Bang on target.

The basic knowledge of all above 3 (in every aspect whether its designing, coding, server management, seo or social media everything) is a must. Moreover, not basic, but a bit much more then that!!

Also, he should be aware of the legal terms and conditions associated with running a legit business.Should know what his competent's doing & be always be one step ahead in competition. Also Should know the importance of time. Hard Working. Devoting. and most importantly, he should be eager to learn more. & should be king of his niche.

Basically i think a webmaster should be knowing almost everything
when i started i just started with uploading ..then few months later bought my 1st site

then i learned how to install wordpress that night i din sleep i thought that was one of the best thing i can ever do
few days later i became depressed seeing almost no traffic ...then something called SEO came into my life ..then once i got a feeling that this would be best thing happening with me

then when site grows you'all need little programming to make it a better site ...
i know little photoshop which i started learning when my friend said that he is not gonna help me anymore with any graphic work

So to be a good webmaster you need to master most of the things which are there on web
Webmasters need:

  1. Knowledge,
  2. time
  3. Money(to start)
  4. Support :p
  5. PC [trollface]
  6. Internet Connection :))
to become a successfull webmaster. :-=
Essential Skills that every WebMasters must own​

1. How to make or build a website, these are including :
. Choosing a right domain name to start related to the Business plan.
. Choosing the right template design for themes, logo, icon, etc related to design
. Changing and tweaking the code in order to make the website that he dreamt of
. Secure the site either with purchasing https or by tweaking the code in vurnerable file.

2. How to Monetize it, these are including :
. Using proper SEO offsite, onsite tech so that the site could reach Top of Major Search Engines.
. Analyze competitors data using tools that available on nets in order to win the competitions.
. Promote the site in various social media : Facebook, Twitter, G+, stumbleupon, Delicious, etc.
. Monitor the improvement of the popularity of the website.
. Build a good optin email list.

3. Maintain a good relationship with every clients or visitors with live chat, good response on replying emails, listening their needs and suggestions.

4. Able to analyze the current trending topics and engage the customers with the topic by posting relevant information on the site's Blog

5. Never giveup to learn lots of things that could make your site better, find sources from google.

6. Leave a good comment on other relevant websites for a link exchange.

7. Be friended with every webmasters on lots of webmasters forums.

Thats all my opinion about how to be a good WebMasters, hope you found it useful <3
there is a lot of qualities a webmaster should have but i will state the qualities i have as a novice webmaster.
1. You should know atleast a bit of codes or if not then there is a lot of tutorial out there
2. Server management is a plus but im not into this stuff and dont have much time to tackle on this so i always go for fully managed server
3. You should be patient and have some sort of initiative because your site wont go any further if you just keep adding content on your site
4. You should know how to analyze and anticipate what is lacking on your site that makes it have a slow progress
First of all they need to be familiar with we stuff like how things go on internet. Yes for sure they need to be good with Languages, little bit server management.

But most important is the instinct of convincing people, they need to be able to think what user want.
Also a lot of dedication towards work.
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