What type of advertisement is this?

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Active Member
Hi mates, an advertiser has contacted me to advertise. Plz check:

"can I put my bid traffic ad somewhere on your site? It
doesn't have to be the header, it will be 80x10 and it will blend in with
the site background - I just need it to be there so it collect visitors -increase my CTR"

can someone explain what type of ad it will be and where and how it will be shown on my website?
I think what he means is he wants an iframe for his website so every site hit you get he also gets and that increases his traffic. An invisible iframe wouldn't show his site even though it would make all your visitors load his.
It's an 80 pixels x 10 pixel ad, probably an image, from a network called BidTraffic. He's probably doing something really iffy with it and has an unnaturally high click-thru rate, so he wants to put it on your site to drive that down.
He wants to put something like this on your site:
(the one that says ONLINE BOOK STORE should be an example.


He basically wants to use your website as a page where people can advertise since it will be your traffic and he will get the money, instead just open your own account and make more money your self if you are going to allow him to make money based on your traffic.

In a way is almost like "Hey can I put my adsense ad on your site for a few days"
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As i am recieving 3k visits per month, how much price to set per month if i allow him this ad?

Why take a few bucks from him when you can open an account yourself and get 100% of the revenue instead of him using your site for revenue.

I cannot tell you how much to ask for because it depends on the marketplace on how many people are bidding for a spot on your site. Since you dont have an account is hard to know.

is he asking you how much you want or did he give you a fixed price?
Yes bxflow, he offers 30$/month for it.....
I am using mobile now.....is there any way to know how much bidtraffic will pay me per click....?
Make an account on bidtraffic. place one of their ads on your site, let it gather some traffic info, then advertisers will bid on your site based on the traffic.

I dont know if they accept warez, if they dont then the guy just wants his stats to show he gets a lot of traffic which will be yours so he can get higher offers. If they dont and he is willing to risk his account and place an AD on your site then sure, up to you if you want to accept his offer.

Just remember if he is offering you 30$ for your traffic its because he knows he will make more than that with it. :D
or do it both, means, if u are not sure that u can get hits, put them both, so u canget hes 30$ plus, have maybe ur ads got clicked
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