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I really have no idea what to do... iMack set me up with a server, and I know you can upload files and stuff... but how am I supposed to create a forum?

I'm using cPanel X, and check out my site, it's empty of course.
You will either need to:

a) Buy vBulletin
b) Get a nulled copy of it

Follow the instructions in the INSTALL or README file.

Not that hard at all.
You don't have to use vBulletin...

Any forum software will do, just read the readme file inside the download and follow instructions.
Instead of making a useless comment why not suggest a better free solution if you feel so strongly about my selections being "junk"?

Hes just offering free solutions, nothing else. So its not appropriate to give a comment like that. If ur saying that, please support your words plz.

On topic I would go for phpBB any day, since its free, good mods and can't say about support (since never used it :P)

learn php null your own boards so you know there clean and not backdoored :dull:
First of all I doubt he's going to want to do that if he is unsure what to do at his current stage. Second, if your runnning a nulled board you have a risk of being reported and having to start all over.
Or if you can't install phpBB then contact a staff on the support page. But it's really easy to install.
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