What should I do after order an unmanaged VPS? Need suggestions

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I have experience of setting up a web server (development isolated network).
Have experience of using shared web hosting service.

But no experience of managing a web server that connect to the real world.

Beside of those basic stuff:
1. web server (e.g. apache, nginx)
2. database (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL)
3. CMS (e.g. WordPress, Joomla)
4. PHP

What else should I setup to make an optimal website ?
1. Firewall ?
2. DDoS protection ? (if the hosting company not provide)
3. Email server ?
4. DNS and Name servers ? (these 2 stuff should be provided by hosting company or need to do it myself ?)
5. Remote desktop server ? (if I have Gnome/KDE installed)
6. Disable root login ?
7. Any more ... ?
Implement fail2ban to Ban Malicious IP Addresses and UFW for firewall w/ iptables rules.

Yeah! SSH root disabled and change port number, and add ssh keys to Preventing Brute Force SSH Attacks.

So Why do you need a gui/desktop?
Anyway. DigitalOcean documentation is a good resource. Check it.
Hello dhl,

Actually the main idea is to minimize the number of installed packages/software.

Mostly X-server (required for GDM or other desktop environment) isn't required for the scripts of your sites, so you will consume a big amount of RAM/HDD for a useless thing. Ssh-daemon and putty are mostly all you need to configure for a proper work of your server.
Ofcourse you can find that too ascetic for a modern world, but there are a lot of user-friendly control panels, in case graffic interface is more preferable for you.

Answers for these questions depend mostly on your hosting provider.
If the hoster doesn't provide the services like DNS, for sure you will need to set the local service or use the registrar's DNS-servers.
If your dealing with email doesn't require any specific settings, you will easily do with google services.
Regarding the Firewall, you should better close all the external ports and leave open only those you inevitably need to work: HTTTP/SSH/FTP/SMTP/POP3/etc..

Best Regards!
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